RITMO International EEG FieldTrip workshop

A workshop exploring the FieldTrip toolbox for the analysis of EEG/MEG/ECoG data.

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About the workshop

The FieldTrip toolbox is an open-source toolbox for the analysis of EEG/MEG/ECoG data, primarily developed at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior in Nijmegen, Netherlands, but has contributors from all over the world.

The FieldTrip EEG workshop at RITMO will include one day for EEG-beginners, to enable them to get started with the analysis of EEG data. This includes e.g. topics as EEG data preprocessing, event-related potentials and time-frequency analysis.

The second day is more advanced and will give an introduction into the source localization of time-frequency data using beamformers and cluster-based permutation statistics.

The third day also covers more advanced topics as group statistical analysis and machine learning applied to EEG data.

Here you can find the full program for the workshop.


The lecturers of the workshop are Britta Westner (CFIN, Aarhus University) and Lau M?ller Andersen (Karolinska Institute, Stokholm). Sabine Leske and Alejandro Blenkman are the local organizers at RITMO.


During the hands-on sessions we will use a task EEG dataset recorded in a language experiment. The data will be provided on a USB stick during the hands-on sessions. You can also download the data from our FTP server.

For more information, please follow this link.

Published Apr. 24, 2019 11:11 AM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2022 1:28 PM