The Electric Space Concerts Series 1

About the Electric Space Concert Series

The Electric Space Concert Series features 3D electroacoustic acousmatic music. In each concert we play modern and classic immersive and dynamic spatial music over the 47 speaker ambisonics array installed in the motion lab at the Institutt for musikkvitenskap, UIO, Oslo. Concerts 3 and 4 were a collaboration with the group “Electric Audio Unit” who specialise in the performance and programming of 3-D immersive sound.


David Monacchi: A Path Into the Rainforest.

6'00. (2013). Ambisonics Soundfield composition. 


Fran?ois Bayle: L'expérience acoustique, Part III. La Preuve par le sens-12. it.

3'52. (1968-1971). Stereo source spatialised over ambisonics.


Bernard Parmegiani: Dedans-dehors, Part I - En phase / hors phase

2'29. (1977). Stereo source spatialised over ambisonics.


Natasha Barrett: Hidden Values, Part II - Optical Tubes. 

7'00. (2012). 6th order 3D ambisonics.


Manuella Blackburn: Switched on.

8'00. (2011). Stereo source spatialised over ambisonics.

Published June 16, 2016 11:41 AM - Last modified Aug. 31, 2020 6:19 PM