The Electric Space Concerts Series 2

Welcome to the second concert in a new series featuring 3D electroacoustic acousmatic music. In each concert we will play modern and classic immersive and dynamic spatial music on a 47 speaker ambisonics array installed in the motion lab at the Institutt for musikkvitenskap, UIO, Oslo.  

Following the trend of the first concert, in this second concert we will also present historical and modern works of the acousmatic repertoire. However, unlike the first concert where the works were short and with immediate impact, in this second concert we perform two main longer works:

the classic 'Solitaire' by Arne Nordheim (1968) and the latest composition 'Spheres of Resonance' (2015) by the German composer and director of ZKM (Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe) Ludger Brummer. The quadrophonic original of ‘Solitaire' will be re-spatialised in ambisonics, while 'Spheres of Resonance’, composed for ZKM’s impressive 43-speaker 3D concert array, will be reprojected from the Zikonium software into our concert space. As a third work we will play, 'Murmureln - Tango électroacoustique' (2003) from the one of acousmatic music's pioneers, the Argentinian composer Beatriz Ferreyra (1937). Murmureln is a stereo work that will be performed spatially over a virtual 'acousmonium' defined in ambisonics.

These exclusive events are FREE but will have limited seating. To sign up and ensure a place, please use this link:

Published June 17, 2016 9:22 AM - Last modified Aug. 31, 2020 6:19 PM