
Time and place: , 103, ZEB

The fourMs Forum is a monthly seminar for all interested researchers.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

The fourMs Forum is a monthly seminar for all interested researchers.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

Presentations on film editing (Einar Egeland) and sports sonification (Henrik Herrebr?den).

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

An overview of eye tracking as research method and how it is used by some UiO researchers.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

Presentation of our new researchers (Jonna Vuoskoski, Olivier Lartillot, Georgios Sioros) and a quick demonstration of our new Delsys EMG system.

Time and place: , 4th Floor, Informatics

Jim T?rresen will present the ROBIN group at Department of Informatics.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

Anne Danielsen, Kristian Nymoen, Mari Romarheim Haugen and Gui Camara present the new project "Timing and Sound in Musical Microrhythm" (TIME).

Time and place: , Room 417, Northwest side, Department of Psychology, Harald Schjelderups hus

Tor Endestad will present the research of the FRONT neurolab in the Department of Psychology.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Victor Sanchez and Agata Zelechowska will present the new MICRO project.


Time and place: , 103, ZEB

Pritty and Patrick Patel-Grosz (Linguistics) and Bruno Laeng (Psychology) will present some of their latest research.