Lecture: Dan Trueman: The laptop as instrument


Time: onsdag 8. oktober kl 10.00 - 12.00

Location: Auditoriet, Norges musikkh?gskole

Title: The laptop as instrument

Lecturer: Dan Trueman, Princeton University


Dan Trueman lecturing about PlOrk

Abstract: The laptop orchestra presents a number of fascinating technical and musical challenges. Among them: what kinds of sounds can we create? how can we physically “control” these sounds? how do we compose with these sounds? how do we organize a dozen or more players in this context? with a conductor? via a wireless network? In this lecture, I will discuss our experiences with these questions in the context of the Princeton Laptop Orchestra (PLOrk). In particular, I will talk about speaker design, networking approaches, physicality and performance with laptops, and I will also share some of the music we have made over the past three years.

Bio: Dan Trueman is a composer and performer, based outside New York City. He is a student of traditional Hardanger fiddle music, and also composes new music for the instrument. His experiences with traditional instruments inform his work with digital performance technologies; he is co-founder and director of the Princeton Laptop Orchestra (PLOrk), the first such ensemble of its size and kind. He also composes for conventional ensembles and orchestra. Dan is an Associate Professor of Music at Princeton University.



Time: torsdag 9. oktober kl 17.00 - 18.00

Location: Foajeen/ny kantine, Norges musikkhh?gskole

Program: Oslo Laptop Orchestra (OLO) presents musical results from a two day workshop with Dan Trueman.

Performers: Mats Claesson, Ivar Frounberg, H?kon Kvidal, St?le Skogstad, Kristian Nymoen, Dan Overholt, Dan Truman, Kjell Tore Innervik, Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Mats H?vin and the robot ANNA


Organised by the NIME-project at the Norwegian Academy of Music, in collaboration with fourMs at the University of Oslo:

NIME (New Instruments for Musical Expressivity) is a research and development project as part of the Norwegian Academy of Music"s focus on musical innovation and interaction.

fourMs (Music, Mind, Motion, Machines) is an interdisciplinary group with researchers from musicology and informatics at the University of Oslo.

Tags: nime
Published June 16, 2019 10:11 PM - Last modified June 16, 2019 10:11 PM