Learning outcomes - JUS5645


  • Good knowledge of the emerging field of law governing the data economy.  

  • Advanced knowledge of a selected sub-field within data law, in particular through the selected focus for the term paper which can be a doctrinal, a law and economics, or a socio-legal reflection.  

  • Good knowledge of the relationship between national law (primarily Norwegian law) and EU-law within the field of data law in general. 

  • Good knowledge of ethical norms for legal academic writing  


  • Ability to define a research problem  

  • Ability to find relevant legal sources for analysing a problem, choosing the most relevant and applying them in theoretical analysis  

  • Ability to apply advanced legal methodology in the analysis of a theoretical problem  

  • Ability to critically analyse the benefits and limitations of regulations within a new and emerging field of law  

  • Ability to participate in policy debates about regulation of the data economy  

  • Ability to cooperate with other students and work in groups  

General competence 

  • Ability to reflect on the role of law in governing the economy  

  • Develop advanced legal writing skills  

  • Develop very good oral presentation skills 

Publisert 17. nov. 2023 12:24 - Sist endret 17. nov. 2023 12:24