Possible topic for Assignment 5 - Corona information system

Ifi has developed COVID-19 Surveillance Digital Data Package, which is under implementation in 37 countries. It comes with installation guides, FAQs and a community discussion group. The target group for these guides are IT people, mainly in developing countries. 

Assessing these guides and the support taking place, and suggesting improvements is an exciting topic for Assignment 5. You would then also contribute to improving the guides and support to a system of great importance and where changes happen quickly. 

You also need to turn around quickly; you should join in on the webinar on Thursday, see below. If you want to join, tell me before the webinar, so I can warn the organisers what you will be there and listen in. 

Hi all,

We are following up on last week's COVID-19 tracker package webinar with some additional online presentations this week. These will cover the new and updated packages that we released last Friday for public audience.

Thursday 26 March, 12pm UTC (1pm Oslo). Public COVID-19 webinar:
We will present the DHIS2 COVID-19 surveillance packages to the general public, include a live demo of various aspects of the packages.

Join the webinar via Zoom:
MeetingID: 265 251 171



Publisert 25. mars 2020 08:54 - Sist endret 25. mars 2020 09:50