
Publisert 24. nov. 2011 01:19

Previous exams (in Norwegian) with answers have been posted on the webpage. Good luck with the exam! Martin

Publisert 13. nov. 2011 05:30

The results of Oblig 4 submissions have been sent. If you sent in the Oblig 4 code and received nothing - please contact me at

The retry/correction deadline is 19th of November 2011. This date has also been marked in the "Detaljert undervisningsplan". This is the absolute last deadline.

Due to the large number of mistakes in handling the boundary cases of subdivision schemes here are the images of the star mesh after 1 level of subdivision using Loop and Sqrt3 schemes.


Publisert 13. nov. 2011 03:36

The notifications regarding Oblig 4 submissions have been sent, so if you sent in the Oblig 4 code and received nothing - please contact me at The results are expected in the next 24 hours.


Publisert 5. nov. 2011 00:57

Both deadlines for Oblig 4 have been extended by 2 days.


Publisert 1. nov. 2011 15:00

The results of Oblig 3 submissions have been sent. If you sent in the Oblig 3 code and received nothing - please contact me at

The retry/correction deadline is 8th of November 2011. This date has also been marked in the "Detaljert undervisningsplan".


Publisert 31. okt. 2011 15:00

The notifications regarding Oblig 3 submissions have been sent, so if you sent in the Oblig 3 code and received nothing - please contact me at The results are expected on Monday/Tuesday.


Publisert 27. okt. 2011 13:33

Due to the lack of attendees there was no tutorial held on 27-10-2011.

Next week we will talk about Oblig 4 and solve exercise set 8. I suggest looking into exercise set 7 since we will not be coming back to that.

Also - If you would like some help getting started with Oblig 4 email me at and setup a meeting.


Publisert 27. okt. 2011 04:48

Oblig 4 has been posted.


Publisert 10. okt. 2011 18:04

The results of Oblig 2 submissions have been sent. If you sent in the Oblig 2 code and received nothing - please contact me at

The retry/correction deadline is 17th of October 2011. This date has also been marked in the "Detaljert undervisningsplan".


Publisert 7. okt. 2011 20:27

The notifications regarding Oblig 2 submissions have been sent, so if you sent in the Oblig 2 code and received nothing - please contact me at The results are expected on Monday.


Publisert 6. okt. 2011 22:13

Oblig 3 has been posted.


Publisert 26. sep. 2011 20:08

The results of Oblig1 submissions have been sent. If you sent in the Oblig 1 code and received nothing - please contact me at

The retry/correction deadline is 3rd of October 2011. This date has also been marked in the "Detaljert undervisningsplan".


Publisert 26. sep. 2011 03:45

I'm sorry to report that I was mistakenly associating the use of Vertex Buffer Objects with Vertex Array Objects. The two mechanisms are independent and thus you don't need to use Vertex Array Objects in your code at all. With regard to that I have take following actions:

  • All the source code was updated
  • Oblig 1 was evaluated disregarding all functionality regarding Vertex Array Objects (Vertex Buffer Objects still have to work)
  • Oblig 2 is not influenced (you just need to download new ColoredCube.* files)


Publisert 23. sep. 2011 02:48

The notifications regarding Oblig1 submissions have been sent, so if you sent in the Oblig 1 code and received nothing - please contact me at The results are expected on Monday. Bart

Publisert 21. sep. 2011 02:53

A description of Oblig 2 has been posted. Additional source code need for this Oblig was also added under "Kode til ?vinger". Bart

Publisert 19. sep. 2011 16:47

The Linux Compilation Guide and the Makefile were further updated to encompass some problems that still occurred on linux machines (plus some mistakes in the text were fixed).


Publisert 14. sep. 2011 18:48

In order to address the problem of compiling the code at IFI computers following actions have been taken:

  • A guide has been created
  • A Makefile was modified to link to GLEW library
  • All the source code now has a small change that should affect only Linux users (in a positive fashion)


Publisert 8. sep. 2011 02:27

A description of Oblig 1, Exercise set 1 and Exercise set 2 have been posted under Detaljert Undervisningsplan. Source code and templates have been posted under Kode til ?vinger. Bart

Publisert 7. sep. 2011 12:29

Lecture 2 er lagt ut under Detaljert Undervisningsplan. Martin