
Publisert 14. sep. 2010 17:46

The following modules are canceled for the Autumn 2010:

Module 3: Capasitans spectroscopy...(1 stud)

Module 28: Radiation protection at SAFE (0 stud)

Publisert 31. aug. 2010 11:24

Dear all KJM-MENA 4010 module one - participants. The message below is very serious - please read this carefully. Please be aware that you will be working inside areas with high magnetic fields. This means that you cannot participate if you use a heart support system like a pace maker. It is deadly to enter the magnetic fields if you have a peace maker in your chest. Furthermore you cannot participate if you have have any foreign magnetic material in your body. For instance magnetic steel reinforcements in a broken leg or if you have been in a combat situation (war) and have shrapnel iron left in your body from for instance a grenade attack. Thanks for considering these questions carefully.

Publisert 28. mai 2010 12:17

Dear Module 1 - NMR - Participants in the autumn of 2010. Please come to room ? 338 at 08.55 AM in the Chemistry Building on September 2nd. The teaching starts at 09.00. You will be divided in "morning" and "afternoon" groups at 0900. After some safety instructions half of you will kindly be asked to leave and come back at 13.00 hours. Organized teaching will take place on September 2. and 3. as well as Wednesday September 8. You will train and teach yourself at the DPX200 and DPX300 NMR spectrometers the rest of the 14 days the course takes. Ordinarily the course is ended by a one hour practical exam but this year the examination will take place later in the semester due to installation of a new NMR spectrometer and reenergizing of the old DRX500 magnet. The technical work will take place at he same time as the course is running.