
Publisert 23. jan. 2014 14:48

Dear all participants and associated participants in KJM-MENA 4010

On Tuesday the same week as Module 1 starts (Thursday) you are invited to come to the nmr labs to change / set your own password on as many PCs as possible.

The accounts are hopefully mirrored in from the UiO system at that time.  You will log in on all PCs not performing experiments and change the common password to one you choose. It is advised to use the same on all of them.

When changing the password on one it is not changed on the others. The PCs are independent of each other.

You are invited to show up in the east wing of the chemistry building at 10.00 AM outside ? 338.  Then we check that your health is good enough to enter the nmr labs and you walk from one Pc to the next. ? 338, ? 340/42, ? 319 and ? 332.

Please show up at 10.00 sharp


Publisert 23. jan. 2014 14:04

Please look up the following links and print the manuals:

This one is to be used on the first day:

This one is to be used on day 2:

This one is to be used on Thursday or Friday in week 2 of the module:

Please print and bring with you.   We will not have extra copies in the labs :-)

Publisert 23. jan. 2014 13:46

When taking module 1 you must read your uio e-mails at least in the morning and the evening every day!
On the first day of the module Safety is priority one. You will learn about
NMR hazards. Please show up at 0900 or rather 09.58 so we can start 09.00
If you are using the T-bane or railway it is advised to take it an hour earlier than needed in case it is not running properly on the first day of the module. Last year people showed up too late and a couple of the participants coud not take the module since they did not participate in the compulsory Safety course.
The first day we divide you in two groups. One group is in the labs from 0900 to 1300 and the second from 1300 to 1700.
You will be working two and two.  You will learn how to operate nmr
spectrometers. Acquiring 1H and 13C 1D spectra on the first Thursday and on
the first Friday you will learn how to process complicated 2D nmr spectra.

Publisert 13. jan. 2014 13:01


Vi jobber med opptak til moduler i KJM-MENA4010 i dag. Studenter kan se opptaket i studentweb i l?pet av i dag og i morgen.

Mvh studieadministrasjon