
Textbook: J.A. Moulijn, M. Makkee, A. Van Diepen: ”Chemical Process Technology”, Wiley, 2001.

List of curriculum:

  • Chapter 1 Introduction p. 1-6
  • Chapter 2 The chemical industry p. 7-26
  • Chapter 3 Processes in the oil refinery p. 27-108
  • Chapter 4 Steam cracking: Production of lower alkenes p. 109-130
  • Chapter 5 Synthesis gas p. 131-162
  • Chapter 6 Bulk chemicals and synthetic fuels derived from synthesis gas p. 163-204
  • Chapter 8 Homogeneous catalysis p. 219-256
  • Chapter 9 Heterogeneous catalysis – concepts and examples p. 257-306
  • Chapter 11 Polymerisation processes p. 333-352

Compendium: Stein Kolboe: “Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis – a very short introduction” (30 pages). Will be handed out at the first lecture.

Publisert 9. apr. 2010 09:51 - Sist endret 12. aug. 2010 11:38