
Publisert 29. okt. 2008 09:59

It is planned to arrange an exam on Monday December 15th for those of you that fail in the last lecture or deliver an insufficient report form your teaching experience. (It is of course hoped that everyone will pass :-)). A person has to be found to sit in at the exam and tell if the level of knowledge is "pass" or "fail". If this happens to you - you will be examined in the "book". Please inform the teacher today if this date collides with other exams. If you are sure that your report and lecture will be OK - please dont worry!

Publisert 29. okt. 2008 09:41

The date and location for the last seminar is changed to December 5th - ? 316b. (Third floor - elevator to the top close to the cantina). Start is at 1015 and not 0915 since there is no projector in that room and it has to be brought to the room.

Publisert 28. okt. 2008 15:26

Deadline. :-) Deliver you report from your teaching experience no later than Monday December 8. at 09.00 AM in the morning. The report is to be sent electronically as an attachment by e-mail to the teacher. The report should be either in microsoft word format or delivered as a .pdf file. If delivering the document as a MS word document please use the format .doc and not .docx.

Publisert 21. aug. 2008 16:17

Here is some prliminary information about one of the assignments in KJM4030 when you assist in one of the laboratory courses this semester. Most of you will be helping the teachers in KJM1100. You shall look for unclear stuff in the Laboratory Course. In the written material and the spoken words by the teachers. What can be done so the students don't misunderstand next time the cours is running? You shall write about the misunderstandings you do find in the written report/presentation. Relate the theory stuff in KJM4030 to the reality in the lab course. Describe what you think is the most important with the lab course: - What do the students learn? - Do the students develop practical skills in something? - Do the students get an improved understanding of the theory through completing the lab course? What is it expected that the students shall have mastered after completing the lab course? What do you think the students have the...

Publisert 21. aug. 2008 16:15

Documents and information for KJM4030 is now gradually being added to the Classfronter pages of KJM4030. Go to and log in. Then select "display all rooms" and select "KJM4030 - Pedagogikk og undervisningstrening, H?ST 2008" followed by selecting "Fellesrom". Regretfully the language describing these rooms are in Norwegian even though the course is running in English from now on. Click on "Tutorial" and then you find a bunch of folders, please explore the content :-) download and start reading. Please be aware that you must attend the course at 10.15 -16.00 (maybe ending earlier) on Mondays August 25. and September 1. in Room V 172 in the Chemistry Building. On Thursdays October 9. and December 4. you will all hold public lectures in Auditorium 3 from the curriculum and the experiences you get from lab course you will be assigned to - you shall in the last talk relate theory you learn in KJM4030 to what you...