Pensum/l?ringskrav mediefag


Hagelia, M. (2017). Digital studieteknikk. Hvordan l?re i informasjonssamfunnet. (s.9-175). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.


Lerdahl, E. (2015). 01. En kreativ holdning. 03. Ideutviklingsmodellen. (s.20-37, og s.55-63). Fra Slagkraft. H?ndbok i ideutvikling. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

Artikler tilgjengelige p? nett

Bj?rkelo, B., Sunde, E., Fjeld, G. & L?nningen, K. (2013). Emosjonenes rolle i profesjonelt l?rerarbeid: En av veiene til bevisstgj?ring i l?rerutdanningen. (s.28-38). Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 01/2013 (Volum 97). Hentet fra



Druick, Z. (2016). The Myth of Media Literacy. International Journal of Communication 10(2016), (s.1125–1144). Hentet fra

Erstad, O. (2015). Educating the Digital Generation – Exploring Media Literacy for the 21st Century (s.85-102). Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy (Jubileumsnummer/2015). Hentet fra

Greenhow, C. & Lewin, C. (2015). Social media and education: Reconceptualizing the boundaries of formal and informal learning. (s. 6-30). Learning Media and Technology. Volume 41, 2016 - Issue 1. Hentet fra

Helleve, I., Alm?s, A. G. & Bj?rkelo, B. (2013). Social Networking Sites in Education – Governmental Recommendations and Actual Use (s. 191-207). Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy (4). Hentet fra

Hodgin, E. (2016). Educating Youth for Online Civic and Political Dialogue: A Conceptual Framework for the Digital Age. (16s) Journal of Digital and Media Literacy. Volume 4, Issue 1-2, Summer 2016. Hentet fra 

James, C., Gruner, D.T., Lee, A. Mullen, M. (2016). Getting Into the Fray: Civic Youth, Online Dialogue, and Implications for Digital Literacy Education. (16s) Journal of Digital and Media Literacy. Volume 4, Issue 1-2, Summer 2016. Hentet fra

Krumsvik, R.J., Jones, L.?., ?fstegaard, M. & Eikeland, O.J. (2016). Upper Secondary School

Teachers’ Digital Competence: Analysed by Demographic, Personal and Professional Characteristics. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, Volume 11, no 3-2016 p. 143–164. DOI: 10.18261/issn.1891-943x-2016-03-02. Hentet fra

Lawson, D. & Henderson, B. B. (2015). The Costs of Texting in the Classroom. College Teaching, 63:3, 119-124, DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2015.1019826. Hentet fra

Levy, B.L., Journell, W., He, Y. & Towns, B. (2015). Students blogging about politics: A study of students' political engagement and a teacher's pedagogy during a semester-long political blog assignment. Computers and Education. Volume 88, 2015. (s. 64–71) Hentet fra

Publisert 22. nov. 2017 16:17 - Sist endret 22. jan. 2018 12:13