Pensum i engelskdidaktikk

Course books

Brevik, L. M., & Rindal, U. (Eds.) (2020). Teaching English in Norwegian classrooms. From research to practice (chapters 8, 9). Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.


Rindal, U., & Brevik, L. M. (Eds.) (2019). English didactics in Norway – 30 years of doctoral research (chapters 4, 12, 18). Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. Available online


Texts in compendium

Carlsen, C., & Moe, E. (2019). Hva er spr?ktesting? In Hamnes, C., & Moe, E., (Eds.) Vurdering av spr?kferdigheter (chapter 1, pp. 263–380). Oslo: Fagbokforlaget [16 pages]


Carlsen, C., & Moe, E. (2019). Rettferdighet – passer pr?ven for gruppen? In Hamnes, C., & Moe, E., (Eds.) Vurdering av spr?kferdigheter (chapter 10, pp. 209–230). Oslo: Fagbokforlaget [21 pages]


Sandlund, E., & Sundqvist, P. (2019). Doing versus assessing interactional competence. In Salaberry, M. R., & Kunitz, S., (Eds.), Teaching and testing L2 interactional competence. Bridging theory and practice (pp. 357–396). New York, NY: Routledge. [40 pages]


Tomlinson, C. A. (2014). The differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs of all learners (2nd ed., pp. 14–28, 113–116). Alexandria, Virginia USA: Pearson Education, Inc. [19 pages]


Texts available online

These articles are available online when you are logged on to the UiO network

Beiler, I. R. (2019). Negotiating multilingual resources in English writing instruction for recent immigrants to Norway. TESOL Quarterly. (27 pages)


Brevik, L. M. & Helness, H. L. (2018). Engelsk VG1: Nye l?ringsst?ttende pr?ver. Bedre Skole, 2, 48–53 (6 pages).


Cummins, J. (2007). Rethinking monolingual instructional strategies in multilingual classrooms. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10(2), 221–240 (20 pages)


Hult, F. (2018). Engaging pre-service English teachers with language policy. ELT Journal, 72(3), pp. 249–259. (11 pages)


Norwegian Directorate for Education and Research (2013). L?replan i engelsk for h?rselshemmede. Oslo: Author (11 pages)


Saliu-Abdulahi, D., Hellekj?r, G. O., & Hertzberg, F. (2017). Teachers’ (formative) feedback practices in EFL writing classes in Norway. Journal of Response to Writing, 3(1), 31–55 (24 pages).


Sauro, S., & Sundmark, B. (2016). Report from Middle-Earth: fan fiction tasks in the EFL classroomELT Journal, 70(4), 414-423 (10 pages)


Solberg, M. T., Brevik, L. M., & Luoto, J. (2017). Om ? differensiere engelskundervisningenBedre skole, 3, 70–75. (6 pages)


Sundqvist, P. & Olin-Scheller, C. (2013). Classroom vs. Extramural English: Teachers Dealing with Demotivation. Language and Linguistics Compass, 7(6), 329–338 (10 pages)

Publisert 22. nov. 2019 15:35 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2019 15:35