
UTLED4223: Globalisering og medborgerskap





R?vik, K. A, Eilertsen, T.V. & Furu, E.M. (red.). Reformideer i norsk skole. Spredning, oversettelse og implementering. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 og 11 (188 sider).

Berge, K. L. og Stray, J. H. (red), (2012). Demokratisk medborgerskap i skolen. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Kap 1, 4, 7 og 10 (75 sider)

Ved?y, G. (2017). Ledelse i og av flerkulturelle skoler. Kap. 2-5. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (98 sider)


Artikler med tilgang, UiO


Andersen, F. and E. Ottesen (2011). School leadership and ethnic diversity: approaching the challenges. Intercultural Education 22(4), 285-300 (16 sider).

Biesta, G. (2007).: ?Don’t count me in? – Democracy, education and the question of inclusion. Nordisk Pedagogik, 27(1), pp. 18–31 (13 sider).

B?rhaug, K. (2017). Ei endra medborgaroppseding. Acta Didactica Norge, 11 (3), Artikkel nr. 6. (18 sider).

Elstad, E. (2012). PISA debates and blame management among the Norwegian educational authorities: Press coverage and debate intensity in the newspapers. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 48(1), p. 10-22 (13 sider).

Grek, S. (2009). Governing by numbers: The PISA ‘effect’in Europe. Journal of Education Policy, 24(1), p. 23-37 (15 sider).

Homme, A. (2017). Innovative government initiatives to prevent upper secondary school dropout: organisational learning and institutional change at the local level. International. Journal of Innovation in Education, 4 (1), 51-65 (14 sider).

Mausethagen, S., Pr?itz, T.S. & Skedsmo, G. (2017): Teachers’ use of knowledge sources in ‘result meetings’: Thin data and thick data use. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2017.1379986 (14 sider).

M?ller, J. (2006): Democratic Schooling in Norway: Implications for Leadership in Practice. Leadership and Policy in Schools. 5(1), 53-69 (17 sider).

M?ller, J. & Skedsmo, G. (2013): Modernizing education - NPM reform in the Norwegian education system. Journal of Educational Administration and History 45(4), 336-355 (20 sider).

M?ller, J. (2009). Approaches to school leadership in Scandinavia. Journal of Educational Administration and History,41 (2), 165-177 (12 sider)

Ranson, S. (2003). Public Accountability in the Age of Neo-Liberal Governance. Journal of Education Policy, 18(5), 459-480 (21 sider).

Rizvi, F. (2011). Experiences of Cultural Diversity in the Context of an Emergent Transnationalism. European Educational Research Journal 10(2), 180-188 (19 sider).

Simons, M. (2009). Studying Regulation and Inequalities in European Education: an exercise in counter-moves and counter-narratives. European Educational Research Journal 8(1), p. 133-141 (9 sider).

Steiner-Khamsi, G. (2013). What is Wrong with the ‘What-Went-Right’ Approach in Educational Policy? European Educational Research Journal 12(1), p. 20-33 (14 sider).




Dale, E.L. (1997). Kvalitetsansvar i utdanningssystemet. I: Dale, E.L. (red.). Etikk for pedagogisk profesjonalitet. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, s. 154-180 (26 sider).

Kvernbekk, T. (2013): “Vil dette virke hos oss? Om veien fra forskningsbasert kunnskap til konkret praksis?. I: S?lj?, R., & Krumsvik, R.J. Praktisk.pedagogisk utdanning. En antologi. s. 279-302 (23 sider).


Artikkel hvor det gis tilgang via ITL


Skedsmo, G. & M?ller, J. (2016): Governing by new performance expectations in Norwegian schools. In: Gunter, H., Hall, D., Serpieri, R. & Grimaldi, E. (Eds.): New Public Management and the Reform of Education: European lessons for policy and practice. (s. 53 – 65). London: Routledge. (12 sider).


Publisert 6. des. 2017 07:32 - Sist endret 6. des. 2017 07:32