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Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.  Kap 1-4 


Williamson, B. (2017). Chapter 1 – Introduction: Learning machines, digital data and the future of education. (In Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.) 

  • Hva er form?let med boken Big Data in Education, if?lge Williamson (2017)?   
  • Hva menes med “datafying” og “digitizing” av utdanning, if?lge Williamson (2017, s. 5-15)?  
  • Forklar begrepet “sociotechnical imaginaries” og i hvilken kontekst det refereres til (Williamson, 2017).  

Williamson, B. (2017). Chapter 2 – Conceptualizing Digital Data: Data mining, analytics and imaginaries. (In Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.) 

  • Hvordan defineres “data” hos Williamson (2017, s. 29-30)?  
  • Hva menes med “first wave big data” og “second wave of big data” (Williamson, 2017)?   
  • Hvilke sammenhenger trekkes det mellom myndighetene og “big data imaginary” (Williamson, 2017)?  

Williamson, B. (2017). Chapter 3 – Software, code and algorithms: Programming, automating and governing everyday life. (In Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.) 

  • Skriv hvordan “software” forklares i kapittelet.  
  • Hvordan defineres “algorithms”, if?lge Williamson (2017)?   
  • P? hvilke m?ter kan man snakke om “algorithmic governance”, if?lge Williamson (2017, s. 60)?   

Williamson, B. (2017). Chapter 4 – Digital Education Governance: Political analytics, performativity and accountability. (In Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.) 

  • Forklar f?lgende sitat ved ? lese hva som st?r f?r og etter dette: “Understood as policy instruments, data processing technologies can therefore be seen as digital policy instruments that reproduce and reinforce existing regimes of performativity and accountability” (Williamson, 2017, s. 75).   
  • P? hvilke m?ter kobler Williamson (2017) store datainnsamlinger til politiske avgj?relser innen utdanning?   
  • Hva refererer uttrykket “intimate accountability” til i en skolekontekst, if?lge Williamson (2017, s. 82-86)?
Publisert 19. jan. 2023 15:46 - Sist endret 5. jan. 2024 13:28