Semesterside for PED2100 - V?r 2014



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May 13th Owen will hold the open lecture "The Effects of Early Child Care from Infancy through Adolescence: Risks, Benefits, and Controversies".

Time:  May 13th, 14:15 - 16:00. Place: Room U35, Helga Engs hus, University of Oslo

Margaret Owen is professor and director of the Center for Children and Families at the University of Texas at Dallas.

For almost 20 years Dr. Owen was a member of the investigative team directing the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, a prospective longitudinal study of the effects of child care on over 1300 children and their families from birth through age 15. The open lecture will address "the child care puzzle" with findings from this landmark study and from other major studies.

7. mai 2014 09:58

Du finner ditt kandidatnummer i StudentWeb.

Kandidatnummeret som skal benyttes p? gruppeoppgaven og p? den individuelle skriftlige eksamenen, er det samme.

2. mai 2014 09:58

Merk at trekkfristen er endret til 28. april.

N?r trekkfristen er utl?pt, vil studenter med godkjent arbeidskrav og godkjent oppm?te f? tildelt kandidatnummer.

Studenten skal benytte samme kandidatnummer ved innlevering av studiekrav (gruppeoppgave) som ved skoleeksamen.

14. apr. 2014 15:10