


Argyris, C. (1990). Bryt forsvarsrutinene. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.  Kap. 1-3 & 6 (59 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:



Brandi, U. & Elkj?r, B. (2011). Organisatorisk l?ring i organisatorisk forandring. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 13, (2), 73-89. (17 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:



Champoux, J. E. (1999). Film as a teaching resource. Journal of Management Inquiry,8,(2), 206-217. (11 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:



Dahlvig,  A. (2011). The IKEA Edge: Building Global Growth and Social Good at the World's Most Iconic Home Store, McGraw-Hill Education. (208 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Dars?, L. & H?yrup, S. (2012). Developing a framework for innovation and learning in the workplace. In H. Melkas & V. Harmaakorpi (Eds.), Practice-Based Innovation: Insights, Applications and Policy Implications. Chapter 8, 135-154 (20 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Edmondson, A. (2003). Managing the risk of learning: Psychological safety in work teams. In M. West m.fl. (Ed.), International Handbook of Organizational Teamwork and Cooperative Working. London: Blackwell. 255-276 (21 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Edmondson, A. (2008). The competitive imperative of learning. Harvard Business Review, 86, (7/8), 60-67. (7 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Fischer, G. (2013). Learning, Social Creativity, and Cultures of Participation. In A. Sannino & V. Ellis (Eds.), Learning and Collective Creativity: Activity-Theoretical and Sociocultural Studies. (Routledge Research in Education). Routledge. Chapter 10. (21 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Foreman, J. (1996). Film representations for organizational analysis.  Journal of Organizational Change Management, 9 (3), 44-61.

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:

(17 sider)


Gr?nning, T. (2017). L?ring b?r v?re et kollektivt prosjekt: Det er ikke om ? gj?re ? bli ferdig med en sak raskest mulig, men ? l?re av erfaringene. Sikkerhet, 63(4), 26- 28 (3 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Juuti, S., & Littleton, K. (2012). Tracing the transition from study to a contemporary creative working life: The trajectories of professional musicians. Vocations and Learning, 5(1), 5-21 (16 sider). (used in PED2720 v?r 2018)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Johansen O. & S?tersdal H. (red. 2017). HR og personalledelse. Fagbokforlaget. Del 1: Kap. 1-3, 8, 10-12, 15-16, (153 sider)


Littleton, K., Taylor, S., & Etel?pelto, A. (2012). Special issue introduction: Creativity and creative work in contemporary working contexts. Vocations and Learning, 5(1), 1-4. (4 sider) (used in PED2720 v?r 2018)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Lipshitz, R., Popper, M., & Friedman, V. J. (2002). A multifacet model of organizational learning. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 38(1), 78-98. (10 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:

Lofland , J., Snow D.A., Anderson, L. & Lofland, L.H. (2005). Developing analysis.  Chapter 9. In Analyzing social settings. A quide to qualitative observation and analysis, fourth edition, 195-219 (24 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Nielsen, K. & Kvale, S. (1999). Mesterl?re: L?ring som sosial praksis. Notam Gyldendal.

Introduksjon + kap. 1-6 & 8 og 10-13 (188 sider).


Popper, M., & Lipshitz, R. (2012). Organizational learning: Mechanisms, culture, and feasibility. In C. Grey & E. Antonacopoulou (Eds.),  Essential Readings in Management Learning. Chapter 2. Sage (opprinnelig trykket i 2000, som i tiddskriftet Management Learning, 31(2), 181-196).  (15 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Ruhleder, K. (2000). The Virtual Ethnographer: Fieldwork in Distributed Electronic Environments. Field Methods, 12 (1), 3-17 (14 sider)

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Wenger, E. (2000). Communities of Practice and Social Learning Systems. Organization, 7(2), 225–246. (21 sider)

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Novels/biographies that deal with the challenges of organizational, work and innovation settings, which the students can choose one to their reading list:


Isaacson, W. (2011). Steve Jobs. New York: Simon & Schuster. (also in Norwegian)

Jersild, P.C. (2006). Babels hus. (First edition 1987, in English)

Madsen, A. (2009). Coco Chanel: A biography. Bloomsbury Publishing. (or other published biography of Coco Chanel)

Phillips, H. (2015).The Beautiful Bureaucrat: A Novel. New York: Henry Holt and Company.


Litteratur som brukes i seminarene:

Champoux, J. E. (1999). Film as a teaching resource. Journal of Management Inquiry,8,(2), 206-217.

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:

(11 sider)


Foreman, J. (1996). Film representations for organizational analysis.  Journal of Organizational Change Management, 9 (3), 44-61.

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:

(17 sider)


Lofland , J., Snow D.A., Anderson, L. & Lofland, L.H. (2005). Developing analysis.  Chapter 9. In Analyzing social settings. A guide to qualitative observation and analysis, fourth edition, 195-219 (24 sider)

Elektronisk tilgjengelig her:


Ruhleder, K. (2000). The Virtual Ethnographer: Fieldwork in Distributed Electronic Environments. Field Methods, 12 (1), 3-17 (14 sider)

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Publisert 25. mai 2018 12:45 - Sist endret 31. mai 2018 12:33