PED4303 - Danning og demokratisering Pensum/ l?ringskrav

Adorno, T. (1966). Education after Auschwitz. I: Adorno, T. (1998) Critical Models. Interventions and Catchwords (s. 191 – 204). New York: Columbia University Press (15 s.)

Biesta, G. (2011). The Ignorant Citizen: Mouffe, Rancière, and the Subject of Democratic education. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 30 (2), 141 – 153 (13 s.)

Dewey, J. (1985). Democracy and Education. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Press (Kap. 7. The Democratic Conception in Education, side 87 – 106). (20 s.)

Dewey, J. (1939). Creative Democracy – The Task Before Us. I: D. Morris og I. Shapiro (red.) (1993). John Dewey. The Political Writings (side 240 – 245). Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing (6 s.)

Freire, P. (1999). De undetryktes pedagogikk. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal (165 s.)

Gustavsson, B. (2014). Bildung and the road from a classical into a global and postcolonial concept. Confero, 2 (1), 109 – 131 (22 s.)

Hellesnes, J. (1969). Ein utdanna mann og eit dana menneske. I: Dale, E. L. (red.). Pedagogisk filosofi (side 79 – 103). Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal (24 s.)

Honneth, A. (2015). Education and the Democratic Public Sphere. A neglected Chapter of Political Philosophy. In: Odin Lysaker and Jonas Jakobsen (eds.) Recognition and Freedom: Axel Honneth's Political Thought. Leiden: Brill (kap. 1, side 17 – 32). (15 s.)

Honneth, A. (2008). Kamp om anerkjennelse. Oslo: Pax (kap. 5. den intersubjektive anerkjennelsens m?nstre: Kj?rlighet, rett, solidaritet, side 101 – 139). (30 s.)

Honneth, A. (1998). Democracy as reflexive Cooperation: John Dewey and the Theory of Democracy Today. Political Theory, 26 (6), 763 – 783 (20 s.)

Horlacher, R. (2017). The Educated Subject and the German Concept of Bildung: A Comparative Cultural History. London: Routledge (133 s.)

Humboldt, W. von (1969). Theory of Bildung. I: I. Westbury, S. Hopmann & K. Riquarts (red.). Teaching as a Reflective Practice (s. 57 – 61). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (4 s.)

Kymlicka, W. & Norman, W. (1994). Return of the Citizen: A Survey of Recent Work on Citizenship Theory. Ethics, 104 (2), 352 – 381 (29 s.)

Masschelein, J. & Ricken, N. (2003). Do We (Still) Need the Concept of Bildung? Educational Philosophy and Theory, 35 (2), 139 – 154 (15 s.)

Papastephanou, M. (2017). Learning by Undoing. Democracy and Education and John Dewey, the Colonial Traveler. Educational Sciences, 7 (20), 1 – 13 (13 s.)

Rancière, J. (1991). The Ignorant Schoolmaster. Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation. Stanford: Stanford University Press (139 s.)

Rudberg, M. (2003). Dannelsens kj?nn – og den postmoderne uro. I: Slagstad, R., Korsgaard, O. & L?vlie, L. (red.). Dannelsens forvandlinger (kap. 5, side 111 – 124). Oslo: Pax (13 s.)

Strand, T. (2015). Thinking Democracy and Education for the Present: The Case of Norway after July 22, 2011. I: Jezierska, K. & Koczanowicz, L. (eds.) (2015). Democracy in dialogue. Dialogue in democracy (Kap. 9, side 177 – 192). London: Ashgate (15 s.)

Taylor, C. A. (2016). Is a posthumanist Bildung possible? Reclaiming the promise of Bildung for contemporary higher education. Higher Education, 23 (March 2016), 1-17 (18 s.)

Waghid, Y. & Davids, N. (2013). On the (Im)possibility of Democratic Citizenship Education in the Arab and Muslim World. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 33 (3), 343 – 351 (9 s.)


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Publisert 2. juli 2020 13:14 - Sist endret 2. juli 2020 13:14