

oppdatert april 2016

Det kan dessverre forekomme feil og mangler i pensumlisten. Ved endring vil dette bli bekjentgjort p? emnesiden.

Omr?de 1

Omr?de 1: L?ring og utvikling


Greeno, J. G. (2006) ?Learning in activity?. I K. Sawyer (red.) Handbook of the Learning Sciences, Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. Side 79-95, 16 s.

Wertsch, James V. (1998): Mind as action. New York: Oxford University Press.  (s.3-72)  69 s

Spr?k og utvikling:

Burchinal, M. (2011). Development of early literacy: evidence from major U.S. longitudinal studies (kap 6, s 85-96). I S. Neuman & D. Dickinson (red.), Handbook of early literacy research, Volume 3, New York: The Guilford Press. 11 s.

Dickinson, D., Freiberg, J., & Barnes, E. (2011). Why are so few interventions really effective?: A call for fine-grained research mertodology (kap 22, s. 337-357). ). I S. Neuman & D. Dickinson (red.), Handbook of early literacy research, Volume 3, New York: The Guilford Press. 20 s.

Duke, N. K. & Carlisle, J. (2011). The development of comprehension.  I M. Kamil, P.D. Pearson, E. Moje, & P. Afflerbach (Eds.) Handbook of reading research, Volume IV. New York: Routledge (s. 199-228) 30 s.

Hammer, C., Scarpino, S., Davison, M. (2011). Beginning with language: Spanish-English bilingungal preschoolers’ early literacy development (kap 8, s. 118-136). ). I S. Neuman & D. Dickinson (red.), Handbook of early literacy research, Volume 3, New York: The Guilford Press. 18 s.

Harris, J., Golinkoff, R., & Hirsch-Pasek (2011). Lessons from the crib for the classroom: how children really learn vocabulary (kap 4, 49-65). I S. Neuman & D. Dickinson (red.), Handbook of early literacy research, Volume 3, New York: The Guilford Press. 16 s.

Lawrence, J. & Snow, C. (2011). Oral discourse and reading. I M. Kamil, P.D. Pearson, E. Moje, & P. Afflerbach (Eds.) Handbook of reading research, Volume IV. New York: Routledge( s. 320 -337)  17 s.

Paez, M., Bock, K., & Pizzo, L. (2011). Supporting the language and early literacy skills of Englsih language learners: Effective practices and future directions (kap 9, 136-152). I S. Neuman & D. Dickinson (red.), Handbook of early literacy research, Volume 3, New York: The Guilford Press. 16 s.

Rydland, V.,  Gr?ver., V.  & Lawrence, J. (2014). The second-language vocabulary trajectories of Turkish immigrant children in Norway from ages five to ten: the role of preschool talk exposure, maternal education, and co-ethnic concentration in the neigborhood. Journal of child language, 41, 352-381. 29 sider

Snow, C. & Uccelli, P. (2009): The challenge of academic language. In D. R. Olson & N. Torrance (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Literacy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (s. 112- 133)  21 s.

Vasilyeva, M. & Waterfall, H. (2011). Variability in language development: Relation to socioeconomic status and environmental input (kap 3, s. 36-48). I S. Neuman & D. Dickinson (red.), Handbook of early literacy research, Volume 3, New York: The Guilford Press.  13 s.


Blackwell, L. S., Trzesniewski, K. H., & Dweck, C. S. (2007). Implicit theories of intelligence predict achievement across an adolescent transition: A longitudinal study and an intervention. Child Development, 78, (s. 246-263) 17 s.

Deci, E. L.,&  Ryan, R. M. (2000). The 'what' and 'why' of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11,(s. 227-268) 40 s.

Deci, E. L. (2009). Large-scale school reform as viewed from the self-determination theory perspective. Theory and Research in Education, 7, (s.244-252)  8 s..

Dweck, C. S. (1999). Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality and development. Philadelphia: Psychology Press. Kap: 1-9, og 14-19, 124 s.

Niemiec, C. P.,&  Ryan, R. M. (2009). Autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the classroom: Applying self-determination theory to educational practice. Theory and Research in Education, 7, (s.133-144) 11 s.

Paunesku, D., Walton, G.M., Romero, C.L., Smith, E.N., Yeager, D.S., & Dweck, C.S. (2015). Mindset interventions are a scalable treatment for academic underachievement. Psychological Science, doi:10.1177/0956797615571017, 10 s.

 Yeager, D.S., & Dweck, C.S. (2012). Mindsets that promote resilience: When students believe that personal characteristics can be developed. Educational Psychologist, 47, (s.302-31) 12 s.

TOTAL:  490 sider.


Omr?de 2: Undervisning og danning

Benner, D. & Oettingen, A. v. (2005). Tekster til dannelsesfilosofi : mellem etik, p?dagogik og politik. ?rhus: Klim. (169 sider) (75 sider for dette delemnet)

Dewey, J. & Vaage, S. (2000). Utdanning til demokrati: barnet, skolen og den nye pedagogikken : John Dewey i utvalg. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag. (S 85-95, 107-120, 163-173, 251-261). 43 s.

M?lstad, C. E. & Karseth, B. (2016). National curricula in Norway and Finland: the role of learning outcomes. European Edducation Research Journal, 15 (3).  16 s

Nordin, A. & Sundberg, D. (2016). Travelling concepts in national curriculum policy-making: the example of competencies. European Educational Research Journal,  15 (3). 15 s

Sejersted, F. (2005). Sosialdemokratiets tidsalder : Norge og Sverige i det 20. ?rhundre. Oslo: Pax. Innledning s 9-20, Kap. 2. Nasjonal integrasjon og demokrati s.59-112 Kap.9. Hva slags mennesker beh?ver vi s.293-320, Kap.12. Fra likhet til frihet s. 407-449, Sosialdemokratiets tidsalder s.507- 522.  75 sider for dette delomr?det

Sivesind, K., Afsar, A. & Bachmann, K. (2016). Transnational policy transfer over three curriculum reforms in Finland: the construction of conditional and purposive programs (1994–2016). European Educational Research Journal, 15 (3).  29 s

Tr?hler, D. (2016). Curriculum History or the Educational Construction of Europe in the Long Ninetheen-Century. European Educational Research Journal, 15 (3).  19 s

Wahlstr?m, N. (2015). L?roplansteori och didaktik. Stockholm: Liber. 158 s

Wahlstr?m, N. (2016). A third wave of European education policy: transnational and national conceptions of knowledge in Swedish curricula. European Educational Research Journal, 15 (3). 16 s

Yates, L. (2016). Europe, transnational curriculum movements, and comparative curriculum theorizing. European Educational Research Journal, 15 (3). 8 s

TOTAL:  ca 454 sider.


Omr?de 3: Sosialisering og oppdragelse

Ball, S. (2003). The risks of social reproduction: the middle class and education markets. London review of education, 1(3), 163-175. 12 s (tilgjengelig elektronisk)

Ball, Stephen J., Reay, Diane., David Miriam. (2002): 'Ethnic Choosing': Minority ethnic students, social class and higher education choice. Race Ethnicity and Education Vol. 5 (4): 333-357. 24 s.

Benner, D. & Oettingen, A. v. (2005). Tekster til dannelsesfilosofi : mellem etik, p?dagogik og politik. ?rhus: Klim. (169 sider)  75 sider for dette delomr?det.

Boudon, Raymond. (1974): . Education, Opportunity, and Social Inequality. Changing Prospects in Western Society. New York/London: John Wiley,  S. 21-39. 18 s.

Darnell, Frank and Anton Ho?m (1996): Taken to Extremes. Education in the Far North. Oslo: SUP, s. 18-27, 93-110, 264-283. 47s.

Durkheim, Emile (1956): Education and sociology. London: The Free Press. Kap. 1- 3. Side 61 - 134.  74 s.

Furlong, Andy & Cartmel, Fred (2007): Young people and Social Change. Kap 1:The risk society og Kap 9:The epistemological fallacy of late modernity s 1-12 og 138-144. 18 s.

Foucault, Michel (2008): Overv?kning og straff. Oslo:Gyldendal. S. 139-150 og 157-178. 33 s.

Mead, George Herbert (1974): Mind, self and society. Chicago: University Press. Kap. 10, 19, 20 og 22. 33 s.

Music, Vedran. & God?, Helene. (2011): Skolemotivasjon, anerkjennelse og gatekultur i klasserommet. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning. vol 11 (2): 3-24.  20 s.

Sejersted, F. (2005). Sosialdemokratiets tidsalder : Norge og Sverige i det 20. ?rhundre. Oslo: Pax. Innledning s 9-20, Kap. 2. Nasjonal integrasjon og demokrati s.59-112 Kap.9. Hva slags mennesker beh?ver vi s.293-320, Kap.12. Fra likhet til frihet s. 407-449, Sosialdemokratiets tidsalder s.507- 522.  75 sider for dette delomr?det

Ziehe, Thomas (2006): Post-aftraditionalisering. Unges ?ndrede generationsforhold i dag. I: Tom Ritchie (red.): Relationer i skolen. Perspektiver p? liv og l?ring. Billes? og Baltzer, Danmark. Side 198-215 . 17 s.

Willis, Paul (1977): Learning to Labour. Introduction og kap 2: Elements of a Culture – Opposition to Authority and Rejection of the Conformist. S 1 - 6 og 11-22 16 s.

Totalt 475

Hele emnet:  1419 s

Publisert 27. apr. 2016 12:58 - Sist endret 27. apr. 2016 12:59