
Oppdatert November 2019

Anthony, C. (2018). To Question or Accept? How Status Differences Influence Responses to New Epistemic Technologies in Knowledge Work. Academy of Management Review, Vol. 43, No. 4 , pp. 661-679. (19 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Bakker, R.M., (2010). Taking stock of temporary organizational forms: A systematic review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12, 466-486. (20 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Cannon, M. D. & Edmondson, A. C. (2005). Failing to learn and learning to fail (intelligently): How great organizations put failure to work to innovate and improve. Long Range Planning, 38 (3), 299-319. (20 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Comi, A., & Whyte, J. (2018). Future Making and Visual Artefacts: An Ethnographic Study of a Design Project. Organization Studies, 39(8), 1055–1083. (28 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Coslor E., & Spaenjers, C. (2013) Organizational and epistemic change: the growth of the art investment field. Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 55, pp. 48-62. (14 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Czarniawska, B. (2012) Cyberfactories: How news agencies produce news. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (240 sider) [1]

Edmondson, A. 2002. The local and variegated nature of learning in organizations: A group-level perspective. Organization Science, 13: 128-146. (18 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Gillett, A.J. & Heersmink, R. (2019) How navigation systems transform epistemic virtues: Knowledge, issues and solutions, Cognitive Systems Research, Vol. 56, pp. 36-49. (13 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Jensen, K.; Nerland, M. & Enqvist-Jensen, C. (2015). Enrolment of newcomers in expert cultures: an analysis of epistemic practices in a legal education introductory course. Higher Education:  ISSN 0018-1560. (14 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Knorr Cetina, K. & Reichmann, Werner. (2015) Professional Epistemic Cultures. In  I. Langemeyer, M. Fischer & M. Pfadenhauer, (Eds.). Epistemic and learning cultures - woher und wohin sich Universit?ten entwickeln. Weinheim: Juventa Verlag pp.46-61. (15 sider)

Langley et al. (2019) Boundary Work among Groups, Occupations and Organizations: From Cartography to Process. The Academy of Management Annals. DOI: 10.5465/annals.2017.0089. (88 sider) Elektronisk versjon

M?kitalo (2012) Professional learning and the materiality of social practice, Journal of Education and Work, 25:1, 59-78.  (19 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Miettinen, R., & Paavola, S. (2018) Reconceptualizing object construction: the dynamics of Building Information Modelling in construction design. Info Systems J, 28: 516– 531. (19 sider) Elektronisk versjon

M?rk, B. E., Hoholm, T., Ellingsen, G., Edwin, B., & Aanestad, M. (2010). Challenging expertise: On power relations within and across communities of practice in medical innovation. Management Learning, 41(5) 575–592. (18 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Nicolini, D., M?rk, B.E.; Masovic, J.  & Hanseth O.  (2018). The changing nature of expertise: insights from TAVI. Studies in Continuing Education. 40:3, 306-322. (16 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Nerland M, & Jensen K. (2012) Epistemic practices and object relations in professional work. J Educ Work , 25: 101– 20. (19 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Nerland, M. & Karseth, B. (2015) The knowledge work of professional associations: approaches to standardisation and forms of legitimisation, Journal of Education and Work, 28:1, 1-23. (23 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Noordegraaf, M. (2007). From “Pure” to “Hybrid” Professionalism: Present-Day Professionalism in Ambiguous Public Domains. Administration & Society, 39(6), 761–785. (25 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Noordegraaf, M. (2015) Hybrid professionalism and beyond: (New) Forms of public professionalism in changing organizational and societal contexts. Journal of Professions and Organization, Volume 2, Issue 2, September 2015, Pages 187–206. (19 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Stipp, D.M., Pimenta, M.L. Jugend, D., Innovation and Cross-functional Teams: Analysis of Innovative Initiatives in a Brazilian Public Organization”, 2018, Team Performance Management: An International Journal, vol. 24, nr. 1/2, pp. 84-105. (21 pages) Elektronisk versjon

Waardenburg, L., Sergeeva, A., & Huysman, M. (2018). Hotspots and Blind Spots . In Schultze, U., Aanestad, M M?hring, M., ?sterlund, C. and Riemer K. (eds.), Living with Monsters? Social Implications of Algorithmic Phenomena, Hybrid Agency, and the Performativity of Technology, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 96–109. (13 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Weick, K. E., & Roberts, K. H. (1993). Collective mind in organizations: Heedful interrelating on flight decks. Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 38, s. 357-381. (25 sider) Elektronisk versjon


Sum: 706 sider


[1] Denne boken vil fungere som et etnografisk case p? endringer i arbeidsorganisering og kunnskapsproduksjon, og brukes gjennomg?ende til ? eksemplifisere de ulike teoretiske begrepene og perspektivene i emnet


Publisert 24. okt. 2019 13:17 - Sist endret 3. apr. 2020 12:50