Semesterside for PED5300 - H?st 2006

UV International Forum: Wednesday, November 15. Kl. 13.15-14.00, Auditorium 2 Helga Engs Hus. The importance of Computers in Education: Three Examples. By Anders M?rch, Associate Professor at InterMedia, Faculty of Education, University of Oslo. More info

10. nov. 2006 13:48

UV International Forum: upcoming sessions:

October 18. Kl. 13.15 - Language and Power Relations in Educational Settings: Multicultural and Special Pedagogy Perspectives (Rom U31, Helga Engs hus). October 30. Kl. 16.15 - Internationalisation of Education: Why is this important for (Norwegian) society? (Aud. 1, Helga Engs hus). Read more here

16. okt. 2006 18:42

Snart ferdig med ? studere? P? jakt etter masterprosjekt?

P? arbeidslivsdagene 2006 kan du m?te bedrifter som er interessert i din kompetanse. For program se Karrieresenterets nettsider

5. okt. 2006 16:04