Guidelines for AV deliveries at UiO

Quality assurance of deliveries and procedure for supplier access

Guidelines for completion

When the suppliers have completed an installation, UiO will set requirements before the job is considered complete and can be invoiced. Deviations for partial invoicing can be adjusted for large projects.

  • All cables and boxes in the room must be labeled. Cables must be labeled at both ends, both under and above the table, so that the user and the responsible technician for the room can see what the cable is for.
  • Technical documentation must be submitted to the client/unit at UiO. It can be placed in the "AV Installations folder" (requires login with your UiO user). This includes both cable/signal wiring and models of devices/boxes used, as well as source codes for control systems, mixers, and other configuration details. This also applies to upgrading existing infrastructure, even if it is an upgrade of an old room from another supplier. If user interfaces are delivered, screen shots/photographs of the user interface must be delivered
  • The supplier must run a full functional test on all equipment upon completion. Preferably together with the client if this is desired. This is a final delivery from the supplier to the client.
  • All software and firmware must be the latest version, and any exceptions must be justified and documented.

Supplier contact information 

Contact information (requires login) for all suppliers included in the framework agreement should be available. Suppliers in the framework agreement should ensure that the information here is accurate for their company.


Guest user for access to UiO and AV network

Suppliers need access to UiO in order to carry out satisfactory installations. This can be obtained through the following process:

Web form for access application

  • The external user (supplier) must submit the web form above, and will receive a response from UiO's guest registration system when the AV person responsible has opened access.
  • Then they go to and register.
  • Suppliers' PCs that are correctly registered in the above web form will receive an IP address via DHCP on the AV network they connect to with a cable. The previous solution with "supplier addresses" has been discontinued.

    This access is initially valid for 6 months.

Background for AV network access

External actors can access terminal servers at UiO to remotely administer systems at UiO, as well as laptop access for local access to specific network systems, such as the AV Network, where there is a need for physical access to equipment.

A website documenting the use of terminal servers is being improved at Remote access for suppliers (requires login).

For terminal servers, all use will be monitored by UiO.

Security regime for devices on UiO's network

All devices must be registered in UiO's central systems, which includes registering MAC addresses for secure access to the correct network.

Therefore, the supplier must notify the buyer (IT employee / local-IT) of the MAC addresses for all devices that will be delivered and installed on the UiO network. The registration itself is carried out by IT employees at UiO.

This notification of MAC addresses should preferably be done in advance of the installation, as it is necessary for the devices to function on the network.

For each device, a type description must accompany the MAC address, in accordance with the "Name Standard AV-Network" for AV equipment.


Other general links that are not related to delivery

Other links that apply to the entire ordering process, in addition to specification requirements for suppliers and deliveries.

Central pages for purchasing
Hovedside for hvordan gj?re bestillinger ved UiO. Her finner du hvem som skal kontaktes og hvem som innehar ulike roller i  bestillingsprosessen.

Checklist for ordering AV rooms

This list covers point by point what is important to remember, and who to contact when the departments at UiO are ordering AV rooms.

Recommendations and standardizations of AV equipment at UiO.

Collection page for links to AV technical standards for hybrid teaching rooms and hybrid meeting rooms, technical details, and AV framework agreements.

Publisert 9. jan. 2023 09:33 - Sist endret 9. jan. 2023 09:33