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Call: Co-working space for interdiciplinary project groups

UiO offers a co-working space for researchers working on topics related to climate, environment or sustainability.

Among the goals expressed in UiO’s climate and environment strategy is the enhancement and support of interdisciplinary collaborations within climate, nature, environment, and sustainability research and education.

Therefore, UiO now offers an attractive office space in the city centre for groups of researchers from different academic disciplines who need to work together. All researchers at UiO may apply for a short project period (2-8 weeks) to gather and develop their ideas or initiatives within research or teaching.

What can you apply for?

A designated space in Domus Academica (Urbygningen) is available for project groups of 5-12 people. The facilities consist of an open office space, a meeting room, and a common room area with a small kitchen and sofa. It is possible to apply for more than one project period.

Application form 


  • The call is open for academic staff at UiO
  • The application must be approved by the main applicant’s head of department or centre
  • The initiative needs to involve 3 or more scholars from several disciplines
  • For each initiative, one of the applicants must be designated as the main applicant and the contact person
  • The application should describe the purpose and activities that the group will engage in during the period applied for, and explain why a shared space will be beneficial for the project

Evaluation of applications

Applications should be submitted by e-form and will be evaluated continuously. Decision on allocation is made by the Vice-Rector for Climate & the Environment and Cross-Disciplinarity.


Sofia Elamson, senior advisor, Office for Research and International Cooperation, 

Published June 20, 2023 12:59 PM - Last modified Oct. 20, 2023 1:18 PM