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Image gallery

The image gallery is used to display a collection of images on a website. 

The user can switch between viewing the gallery as an image carousel and as a thumbnail overview, and can also view the images in full screen mode by cliking on them.

Note that the gallery should not be used on front pages.

How to create an image gallery with gallery view

  • Create an "image list" folder and upload the pictures you want to display.
  • Copy the following code and subsitute the example URL with the URL of the folder you created:
${include:image-listing uri=[/om/designmanual/digitalt/nettsider/elementer/bilder/bildeliste/] type=[gallery] limit=[4]}
  • Paste the code in the body text field of an article.
  • To control the number of images displayed, change the "limit" parameter.
  • If you'd like to include photo credits and captions, you add this under the "edit" tab of each individual picture.


Recommended formats and picture sizes

  • The image gallery handles all formats, but we recommend using 16:9 or 4:3 formats for landscape, and 3:4 for portraits.
  • 1:1 format works well if you want to show a collection of artifacts: See example from the exhibition "The Hunter" at the Historical Museum.
  • To ensure good image quality in full-screen mode the pictures should be a bit larger than in normal articles, but a width of 1200 pixels is sufficient.
Published Jan. 25, 2022 7:08 AM - Last modified Apr. 8, 2023 5:51 PM