Norwegian version of this page

Colour of front page boxes

There is the option of coloured backgrounds for the front page template, if there are no pictures. You can find the description of background colour on an event feed and how to add it here.

Background colour for event without picture

If you do not have picture for an event, it can still be highlighted in the feed with an orange background/ box.

Skjermdump av arrangementsfeed med oransje boks

How to insert background on an event feed

  • This comes automatically if you have set show-picture=[true] to show introduction picture on the feed, but you do not have a picture in the event itself.
  • There must be more than one event in the feed, and one of the other events must have a picture for the orange box to appear.


Background colour for current-feed without picture

For current event-feed without pictures, you can insert a blue background

Skjermdump av bl? bakgrunn bak aktueltfeed

How to insert blue background on current event-feed

  • Set the entire row to row-color-blue
  • Set settings on the feed to item-pictrue=[false]

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