Academic Refuge MOOC

Are some questions too dangerous to ask? What happens to scholars and students who ask those questions? How can you contribute to strengthening core academic values, such as academic freedom? These are among the questions we will discuss in the massive open online course (MOOC) launched by the Academic Refuge Project on the Futurelearn platform, starting 4 June 2018.

Dangerous Questions: Why Academic Freedom Matters

Given the magnitude and scope of the problem of threats against scholars and higher education institutions, it is important to enhance understanding about why academic freedom is important, not only to academics, but to all of society. One major output of the Academic Refuge project will be a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on this topic, where we will grapple with questions such as:

  • What is academic freedom and how does it relate to other higher education and societal values?
  • Why are academic freedom and related values important, and what threats or challenges to these values may be faced in different contexts?
  • How can you as a student, academic or other staff member in higher education promote and defend academic freedom and related values

The course will be launched on the Futurelearn platform on 4th June 2018, and it will be free and available for everybody with internet access through a computer or phone. It is open for registration. The course will run online for 3 weeks with an expected work load of 3 hours per week and ample opportunity to discuss with fellow course participants around the world.

Published Nov. 20, 2017 1:13 PM - Last modified May 18, 2018 8:58 AM