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Candidates St?len, Mo, Gornitzka and Sandset

Rector candidate Svein St?len with Pro-Rector candidate Gro Bj?rnerud Mo and Vice-Rector candidates ?se Gornitzka and Per Morten Sandset.

Gro Bj?rnerud Mo and Svein St?len. Photo: ? UiO/Anders Lien

Get to know Svein St?len

Why do you want to be the next Rector of UiO?

– I am very fond of UiO, both its people and the community it represents, and our role in society. However, we must develop and achieve better interaction both internally and with the society around us, in order to exploit the university’s power. We shall be a seedbed for critical thinking and basic research, but also help to solve societal challenges. I am particularly concerned with the improvement potential in the fields of education, human resource policy and interdisciplinarity.

– As a leader I will have my feet on the ground and be concerned with concrete action, and I believe that as head of department and Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, I have demonstrated that I can chart a direction and get things done. Many people have asked me to stand as candidate for Rector.

The candidates present themselves