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Work place buddy!

Checklist for work place buddies for new employees at the Department of Mathematics. This list contains a minimum of what your buddy child should know. You are of course free to add more information where you think it might be useful.

What is a work place buddy?
All new employees should have a work place buddy. For PhD-students and postdoctoral fellows this is usually a fellow from the same section. For permanent employees it should be another permanent employee from the same research group. The work place buddy will help the new employee find his way. The buddy is also responsible for ensuring that the new employee is included in all aspects of the department's life, both professionally and socially.
The mentoring is usually not a comprehensive job. The most important thing is that you help your buddy child and make sure that he or she knows where to go if they need help with something.

Why introducing work place buddies?
Many new employees at the Department of Mathematics do not know anything about the University/ Campus before arrival. They might have their background from other Universities or other countries, and it is a lot to take in starting a new job. You who are buddies already know what is important to know as a new employee,  and can make the first few days easier for them.

Greet List
The new employee should be introduced to these people: 

Head of Department : Geir Dahl 

Head of Office: Yngvar Reichelt
Deputy Head of Department : Nadia Larsen
Teaching leader:  Arne Sletsj?e 
Study advisor: Tale Ulfsby og Amanda Padlesak (responsible for PhD- candidates)
Department head on the section where he or she is going to work.

In addition, you should make sure that your buddy child knows where to find lunch and where to get coffee. You can also show them where the SiO card center and the library are, maybe some information about exercise options, health care, day care facilities, etc. that may be of interest.

The following websites may also be useful:

New at the Department of Mathematics

New at UiO

Published Apr. 3, 2019 2:17 PM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2024 2:24 PM