Norwegian version of this page

Work results

When signing a work contract with UiO you simultaneously accept the agreement on the acquisition of rights to work results and the agreements on the accessibility of work results.

Rights to work results

Copyright sign

The purpose of the Acquisition of Rights Agreement is to regulate the transfer of rights to work results to which UiO is entitled as employer and to secure the employee reasonable remuneration for the transfer of these rights.

? Acquisition of Rights Agreement

Accessibility of work results (Open Access)

Persons who were employed at UiO after 4 July, 2013, are obliged to submit a post-print versjon of scientific articles produced in connection with their employment to the institutional electronic knowledge archive. Persons employed prior to 4 July, 2013, are encouraged to follow the same principle of institutional recording.

? Agreement on Accessibility of Scientific Articles (pdf)
? Agreement on Accessibility of Teaching Material on the Internet (pdf)