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News articles on research projects pages

If resoucres permit, news articles can be a valuable format for showcasing and sharing information about activities and results in a research project.

The articles you write should be relevant to an external audience. It's main purpose should be to generate engagement and further interest in the project.

Recommended topics for news articles include:

  • breakthroughs in research
  • major publications
  • project participants receiving awards
  • stories from fieldwork
  • testing of new lab equipment or technology

To display information about conference participation, media appearances, and similar activities, it is often more appropriate to set up an overview page where you summarise the activity (e.g. "Activities", "Presentations" or "Media Coverage"), rather than using individual news articles. You may then link to these summary pages from the project's main page. 

We also do not recommend using the news article format for information about job vacancies. Here you can create a subpage (article) with a salient link from the projects main page. 

If you are unsure about which solution is best or have other questions about the news format, consult your local web editor. 

As a final note: You should always consider what step you want visitors to take after reading your news article. Perhaps read or download a publication mentioned in the article, look at related news articles, get in touch with you, follow the project in social media or sign up for your newsletter? Make sure to include the relevant info and links to support these steps. 

Other useful guides

How to write for the web – checklist

Published July 13, 2024 11:35 AM - Last modified July 13, 2024 11:35 AM