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Publications on research project web pages

Alternatives for listing publications on a research project web page

Gathering, displaying and linking to publications is an important feature of research project pages.

Currently, it is possible to retrieve publications from Cristin. Additionally, the project homepage includes a free-text field for listing highlighted publications.

It is also an option to use an article page to create a manually updated publication list for the project. 

Retrieving publications from Cristin (NFR Projects)

As is the case with your personal page at UiO's website, it is possible to retrieve publications from Cristin on the project page. Only projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) can utilise this feature. This is due to a limitation in the Cristin service.

To retrieve publications from Cristin, you need to enter the NFR project number in the relevant editing field.

Screenshot of checkbox to display publications in Cristin

For the automatic retrieval to work, make sure to register the correct NFR project number when registering a publication.

Screenshot from the Cristin interface showing publication registration
Registering the NFR project number for a publication in Cristin.

Manual registration of publications

If you check "Yes" for "Add highlighted publications" in the editor interface, you will see a free-text field where you can manually enter selected publications. This field is available both with and without the Cristin feed, as a nice way to make the project's most important publications easily visible and accessible to users.

Screenshot of editor field for highlighted publications
Example: Highlighted publications for listing on the homepage.

If you have many publications you want to showcase on the project page, it may be worthwhile to create a subpage (article) where you create a full list of publications.  You can link from the highlisted list to this overview (use the "read-more" class on the link to display it as an arrow).

Screenshot of publication list with 'read more' arrow
Example: List of selected publications with a link to a complete overview

For project pages that use a navigation menu, the publications page can also be made accessible from here.

Example: Navigation menu of a project page with "Publication" as one of the menu points.
Published July 13, 2024 12:15 PM - Last modified July 13, 2024 2:22 PM