Innovative Europe

This pillar should promote all forms of innovation, including both technological and non-technological innovation, in order to support technological development, demonstration and knowledge transfer.

PIC-code for UiO

European Innovation Council

The EIC focuses on groundbreaking and disruptive innovation, especially market-creating innovation. EIC supports every form of innovation through three instruments:

  • EIC Pathfinder - supports bold ideas for radically new technologies, welcomes high risk/high gain and interdisciplinary cutting-edge science collaborations for technological breakthroughs
  • EIC Transition - mature a novel technology and develop a business to bring it to market
  • EIC Accelerator - funding and investments for individual start-ups and small companies to develop and scale up game changing innovations

European Innovation Ecosystems

EIE's activities should strengthen national and regional innovation actors. The sub-program is targeted at public actors as municipalities in order to offers various types of services to innovators. 

European Institute of Innovation and Technology

The EIT establishes European innovation ecosystems that bring together partners from many different fields. The EIT operates primarily through its Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC), which are large European partnerships.


Funding and Tender opportunities - the Commission's portal