Research with UK partners post Brexit

With UK leaving the EU and a post-Brexit agreement in place, a treaty has been made about flow of personal data from EU to UK. How does this affect research agreements with UK partners?

As part of the treaty it has been agreed that personal data may to flow freely from the EU (and EEA) to the UK, until an adequacy decisions have been adopted, for no more than six months (01.06.2021). The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation (KMD) has adopted a regulation which allows Norwegian institutions to transfer personal data to the UK until the Commission has adopted an adequacy decision.

UiO explains how this affects research projects with UK partners in the links below. The Norwegian page also has links to relevant external resources.

Research with UK partners post Brexit

Brexit og overf?ringer av personopplysninger til Storbritannia

Published Jan. 11, 2021 1:32 PM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2021 1:32 PM