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Guidelines for the use of working capital (pro annum) at IKOS

What is working capital?

Working capital is a set amount of funds that the Department Management offers each year to academic staff so that they may cover necessary expenses in their work. At the start of each year, you will be provided an overview of how much working capital you have at your disposition.

What can you use working capital for?

Working capital may be used for academic activities, such as research travels, research assistance, participation in conferences, the procurement of books and technical equipment for fieldwork (only equipment that cannot be borrowed from HF or IKOS), office inventory, etc.

The working capital is not intended to be spent on procuring PCs, cellphones, or tablets, nor for equipment for the home office (such as desks, bookshelves, office chairs and the like). Electronic reading tools (Kindle and the like) are considered technical equipment and may be procured through UiO’s arrangements. Please contact the administration for this.

Working capital is not a salary, meaning procured books and equipment belong to the university.

Using the working capital to employ research assistance does not permit buyout for oneself from teaching duty.

NB! Every procurement of technical equipment and all agreements on research assistance must go through the department administration.

Working capital for tenured employees

What happens with unspent working capital at the end of the year?

Surplus funds at the end of the year will not be transferred to the next. You can contact the economy officer on information about your expenditure.

What happens if you spend more than you are given?

A negative balance in working capital will be transferred to the following year. In practice, this means that next year’s pro annum will be reduced accordingly.

Working capital for PhDs and post docs

For PhDs and post docs financed by HF, the working capital is fixed at 20 000 NOK per annum. One may not spend more than one will be provided in total, but one is free to allocate the funds over the years as one wishes.

PhDs and post docs employed as part of externally funded projects must discuss their funding for their own research and development with their PI.

NB! All expenses you approve will be drawn from your work capital unless the expense is documented as otherwise.

Do you have ideas or plans and need funds for research?

IKOS has an open-ended deadline to apply for research funding.

Tenured academic staff may apply for:

  • Participation in seminars and conferences with papers
  • Research assistance
  • Support with publishing (including printing, language and more)
  • Research trips
  • Other research activies

Non-tenured academic staff may apply for publishing support.

More about how to apply for funding at IKOS

Useful links

UiO's travel guide

UiO's guidelines for preparation for travel

Published Sep. 9, 2022 12:20 PM - Last modified Mar. 21, 2024 10:39 AM