Calls for Experienced Researchers

Experienced researchers have the widest range of calls to apply for. This overview covers the most common and relevant calls for IMV researchers.

The following overview is not exhaustive. Experienced researchers are encouraged to explore additional funding sources where relevant. 

The Research Council of Norway (RCN) calls described below mention programmes and thematic areas. Unsure what this means? Read up on the Research Council of Norway's current calls.

The European Research Council (ERC) calls described below are part of the European Commission's Horizon Europe research and innovation funding programme, Excellent Science pillar. The programme is currently funded through 2027. You can read more about EU research funding here.

A broader overview of calls for funding curated the Faculty of Humanities may be found here.

Timing of annual calls

Spring: CAS Project, RCN Researcher, ERC Consolidator Grant, Collaborative Projects

Autumn: ERC Starting Grant, ERC Advanced Grant, ERC Synergy Grant

Large Calls for Experienced Researchers

Researcher Projects for Scientific Renewal

A 3-6 year project with a budget of 4-12 million NOK. Funding is intended to support scientific renewal and development in research that can help to advance the international research front. Projects often include several team members (PhDs, postdoctoral researchers, research or administrative assistants, etc.) in addition to the Project Manager. Projects may include partner research organisations.

Funder: The Research Council of Norway

Eligibility:  Experienced researchers who have demonstrated the ability to conduct research of high scientific quality. An approved doctorate or equivalent is a minimum requirement. Researchers at postdoc level or below 40 years of age should instead consider Researcher Projects for Young Talents.

Themes/fields: Typically financed by both selected thematic programmes and FRIPRO, the RCN funding scheme which is open to all fields and not delimited by thematic guidelines. Note: Projects with researchers from the Humanities are strategically prioritised in many thematic programmes.

Budget: 4-12 million NOK

Annual deadline: February

Call: Landing page for all Researcher Project calls. Calls are usually published 3-5 months in advance of the deadline.

Who to contact at IMV: Malene B?yum

Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges

A 2-4 year project aimed at developing new knowledge and generating research competence needed by society or the business sector. Projects must have at least 2 partners which are not research institutions -- e.g. actors from public sector entities, non-governmental organisations, Norwegian trade and industry and/or other private organisations. 

Funder: The Research Council of Norway

Eligibility: "Documented knowledge and expertise in the relevant field and in project management"

Themes/fields: Many thematic areas are represented in the annual call, but not FRIPRO. Note: Projects with researchers from the Humanities are strategically prioritised in many thematic programmes.

Budget: Varies between thematic calls. Typically 2-16 million NOK. Partners must contribute a certain percentage of the budget, depending on thematic area.

Annual deadline: February

Call: Landing page for all collaborative project calls. Calls are usually published 3-5 months in advance of the deadline. See also: Guide for Applicants.

Who to contact at IMV: Malene B?yum

ERC Starting Grant

 A high-status project with a maximum duration of 5 years, open to early-career researchers of all fields, with the intention of supporting excellent research. Step one of the three ERC Grants (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced). Both the RCN and UiO offer training and support for ERC applicants.

Funder: ERC - The European Research Council.

Eligibility: Researchers with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD (extensions are possible), and a scientific track record showing great promise.

Budget: 1.5 million Euro (approx 16 mill NOK).

Deadline: Usually October, but the call deadline for 2021 is March 9th (due to the transition to Horizon Europe).

Call: Usually published 4 months in advance. General information can be found here.

Who to contact at IMV: Malene B?yum

ERC Consolidator Grant

A high-status project with a maximum duration of 5 years, open to experienced researchers of all fields, with the intention of supporting excellent research. Step two of the three ERC Grants (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced). Both the RCN and UiO offer training and support for ERC applicants.

Funder: ERC - The European Research Council

 Eligibility: Researchers with 7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD (extensions are possible) and a scientific track record showing great promise.

Budget: Up to 2 million Euro (approx. 21 mill NOK), with the possibility of an additional 1 mill Euro in special cases.

Deadline: Usually February

Call: Usually published 4 months in advance. General information can be found here.

Who to contact at IMV: Malene B?yum

ERC Advanced Grant

A very high-status project with a maximum duration of 5 years, open to experienced researchers of all fields, with the intention of supporting excellent research. Step three of the three ERC Grants (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced). Both the RCN and UiO offer training and support for ERC applicants.

Funder: ERC - The European Research Council

Eligibility: Active researchers who have a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years. You should be an exceptional leader in terms of originality and significance of your research contributions. 

Budget: Up to 2.5 million Euro (approx. 26 mill NOK), with the possibility of an additional 1 mill Euro in special cases.

Deadline: Usually August

Call: Usually published 4 months in advance. General information can be found here.

Who to contact at IMV: Malene B?yum

ERC Synergy Grant

A high-status project for a group of 2-4 excellent Principal Investigators. Both scientific excellence and outstanding intrinsic synergetic effect are expected. Applications must demonstrate that the proposed research cannot be carried out by a single PI working alone.

Funder: ERC - The European Research Council

Eligibility: Applicants must be a group of 2-4 PI's of which one will be designated as the corresponding PI (cPI). The PI's can be employed at the same or different host institutions. PI's must present an early achievement track-record or a ten-year track-record, whichever is most appropriate.

Budget: Up to 10 million Euro, with the possibility of an additional 4 mill in special cases.

Deadline: Usually November

Call: Usually published 4 months in advance. General information can be found here.

Who to contact at IMV: Malene B?yum

Horizon Europe Projects

The most relevant projects for most IMV applicants are so-called "Research and Innovation Actions" -- projects tackling clearly defined challenges which can lead to the development of new knowledge or a new technology. However, there are many other categories of calls/projects. Read up on UiO's website on EU funding.

Funder: The European Commission.

Eligibility: Varies. Early-career researchers should mainly focus on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions and possibly ERC Starting Grants (see above and on the page for postdoc level researchers).

Budget: Varies

Deadline: Varies

Call: See all calls in the Funding and Tenders Portal

Who to contact at IMV: Malene B?yum

CAS Project

1-year project with the objective of furthering excellent research by creating research groups. CAS funds three research groups each year within or across the fields of 1) Humanities/Theology, 2) Social sciences/Law, 3) Natural sciences/Medicine/Mathematics. Projects are carried out at the CAS Centre in Oslo, for 1 academic year.

Funder: CAS - Centre of Advanced Study (Oslo).

Eligibility: All faculty members who hold permanent research positions at UiO are eligible to submit a project proposal, and assemble and lead the corresponding research group at CAS.

Budget: 3,5 mill NOK. Note: Successful applicants will be granted a 1-year sabbatical from their position at UiO with full salary.

Deadline: January

Call: Calls are published in December, but information is available here.

Who to contact at IMV: Malene B?yum

Published Jan. 4, 2023 12:05 PM - Last modified May 14, 2024 8:29 AM