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Canvas guides for administrator tasks

Log on to Canvas

Use Chrome, Firefox or Safari and log in to with your UiO username and password. Internet Explorer 10 or older does not support all functions in Canvas. NOTE: There are at the moment problems with Safari 13.

FS registrations for Canvas

The majority of Canvas rooms are created based on registrations in the student database (FS). 

What goes where?

Where should teaching resources be placed, and where is the teaching schedule updated?

New! Accessibility tool "Ally"

Ally gives you feedback on the accessibility of your Canvas content and step-by-step guides in Ally on how to improve accessibility in documents and webpages in Canvas. It also gives Canvas administrators department/faculty reports with statistics and an overview of the accessibility issues for a given unit.

Admin webinar

Recording of instructor-led webinar that was held for faculty coordinators and others working with the introduction of Canvas on the UiO. Here you will also find links to guides for the topics the webinar deals with.

Support webinar

This is especially useful for anyone who is going to work with support and maybe submit support inquiries. Recording of webinar that was held for faculty coordinators at UiO, with guides for the topics the webinar deals with.


Do you need help, or do you have other questions about Canvas at the UiO?