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Assistance with applications for funding

The UiO has signed a common framework agreement for consultancy services for developing winning applications. The Faculty of Medicine is keen on investing in researchers who want to apply for EU funding and need assistance with the applications. Read more about the process here.

Illustration of a EU advisor helping our researchers with their applications for funding fra Colourbox

Consultancy assistance for achieving success when competing for EU funding.  Illustration: Colourbox

You can obtain assistance with applications for all mechanisms contained in the EU’s Framework Programme. In addition to receiving support from the Faculty’s EU advisers, researchers' can now also receive consultancy whilst writing applications. Anyone seeking advice on how to succeed when competing for the EU funding can contact the Faculty’s External Research Funding Office (EEF).

The EEF will devise a plan for supporting the researcher concerned. One prerequisite is that the EEF needs to be involved in all the communications which takes place between the consultant and the researcher. Consultancy assistance is subject to time limits. In order for consultancy assistance to be successful, drafts must be sent well in advance of the application deadline.

Application support and proof-reading

The EEF provides advice and support for all the major funding mechanisms. The consultancy companies, on it payroll, have an agreement to provide assistance with applications under the following categories:

  1. ERC and MSCA Doctoral Networks. Under this category we have procured services of Enspire Science LTD, Innovayt AS, Nordic Innovators PS, OxygenEUm GmbH (only Marie Sk?odowska-Curie instruments) and PNO Consultants BV.

  2. Thematic instruments under Horizon Europe (Global Challenges under Pillar 2, innovation projects such as EIC Pathfinder under Pillar 3), ERA-Net, JPI, IHI etc.The following companies procure services: Catalyze Group BV, ERINN Innovation Ltd, Innovayt AS, Nordic Innovators PS and PNO Consultants BV.


By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Sep. 2, 2019 2:15 PM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2023 9:52 AM