English titles for f?rsteamanuensis II, forsker I and professor II

From November this year, F?rsteamanuensis II is translated as Associate professor II, while Professor II will be the same in Norwegian and English. Forsker I will be translated as Senior Researcher, as previously.

Illustration of researchers in the lab

Illustration of researchers in the lab. Colourbox.

Until 21 November this year, the English title Adjunct Associate Professor was used for f?rsteamanuensis II and Adjunct Professor was used for Professor II. Due to a variety of issues, the Meeting of the Deans at UiO on 18 October 2023 concluded that the following English titles can also be used for f?rsteamanuensis II and professor II:

  • F?rsteamanuensis II – Associate professor II
  • Professor II – Professor II

These titles will now be used by the Faculty. The Meeting of the Deans also decided that the English title for forsker I (SKO 1183) will remain Senior Researcher. We would like to remind you that researchers under job code SKO 1183 can be registered with a personal title of “Seniorforsker”/”Senior Researcher” by contacting: the Payroll Office.

See also a complete overview of titles at UiO on the website for employees

By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Dec. 22, 2023 8:03 AM - Last modified Dec. 22, 2023 8:03 AM