Women’s Careers and Empowerment in Global Health konferanse i Kathmandu

Dr. Saroj P. Ojha, IOM, Tribhuvan University, the primary partner in the NORPART project, has visited Oslo a number of times. Here she is pictured with four fantastic women, Dean Dibya Singh Shah, Bernadette Kumar, Hanne Flinstad Harbo and Nepalese MP Dr. Arju Rana.

The panellists were given various questions to reflect on in order to highlight their management experiences. Gender roles, expectations and experiences spiced up the highly entertaining stories.

Read the travelogue from the Nepal trip by Jeanette H. Magnus.


Jeanette H. Magnus, UiO

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10-mars-nepal-d-wgh-conference-hanne-at-table.webp (660 x 495 px)  –  434.2 kB

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