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New year, new opportunities

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about what is happening at the faculty. The new year brings new opportunities.

Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo. Photo: ?sne Ramb?ll Hillestad, UiO

Dear staff and students,

The new year is now well under way, and there’s lots going on, with teaching, research, administrative work and meetings taking place all around the faculty.

The health service of the future

It was pleasing to see a good turnout at Domus Bibliotheca last week despite unusual chaos caused by snow in Oslo. The faculty then gathered to discuss solutions for the future of healthcare.

Gunnar Bovim gave an excellent presentation on the Healthcare Personnel Commission's report .(pdf in Norwegian), which was followed by a fascinating debate chaired by Markus Moe. The panel included participants from various areas of our fantastic faculty; Annetine Staff, P?l Gulbrandsen, Erik L?nnmark Werner, Elise Skimmeland, and I stepped in to replace Hanne-Cathrine Lie, who was absent due to the snow. We received a lot of great feedback and encouragement to do this more often. Read more on LinkedIn and follow us.

Start of studies 2024

We had the pleasure of welcoming a new cohort of students a couple of weeks ago. It is always inspiring for the Dean of Studies, the Student Administration and I to meet both new and more experienced students. There are also impressive things happening in many student associations, so come and join in the fun!

Dialogue meetings 

We in the faculty management are always keen to meet those of you who work in the various parts of the faculty. We are therefore continuing our visits to different departments. We have recently visited the Division of Mental Health and Addiction (Klinmed), the Division of Surgery, Inflammatory Medicine and Transplantation (Klinmed), the Department of Molecular Medicine (IMB) and the Department of Public Health Science (HELSAM).
We meet so many bright, committed colleagues and gain great insight, so we appreciate your warm welcome.

New funding opportunities

We have already received exciting new grants for our researchers this new year; congratulations to you all. Remember that if you are a professor in the Faculty of Medicine, you can nominate candidates for the Nobel Prize, Anders Jahre's Awards and other awards, which you can find in our annual cycle for awards. There was also a meeting this week about new funding opportunities.

Welcome meetings

It will soon be time for this spring's welcome meeting for new employees (in Norwegian). Have you received an invitation? The faculty management team are keen to meet you and give you a warm welcome!

Both new and associate professors will be invited to a separate meeting in May.

A separate meeting has been arranged for our international researchers: Welcome breakfast for new international researchers.

Provide input to the NPD-MED study

The investigation of a potential shared organisational structure for the Faculty of Dentistry and our Faculty is taking place this spring. You can follow and provide input to the project. See more information on the project website (in Norwegian).

Equality, inclusion and diversity.

The faculty has established a new Action Plan for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion for the period 2023 - 2026. As part of this work, the faculty's Committee for Equality, Inclusion and Diversity in collaboration with Helsam’s working group on racism, discrimination and health invites you to a seminar on 6 February at 16:30. I will be on the debate panel and encourage you to join as well! Sign up here by Monday, 4 February.

That concludes an overview of what’s happening here at MED in the new year, including lots of new opportunities!

Kind regards, Hanne

Pictures from the start of the semester and activities in January

By Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Published Feb. 2, 2024 8:51 AM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2024 8:53 AM