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Let's look after each other!

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about what is happening at the Faculty. A strike is under way, it will soon be summer, and we are working to ensure that UiO is as safe as possible in every way. MED must be a good place to study and work for everyone.

Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo. Photo: ?sne Ramb?ll Hillestad, UiO

Dear colleagues,

We’ve already had some pleasant spring and early summer days, and many people are coming to the end of their study programmes or projects that have to be handed in before the start of the summer holidays. In the midst of all this, strike action is now taking place at UiO, and some aspects of our working day are being affected. For example, it is uncertain whether we will be able to produce the summer edition of MED-nytt. Keep up-to-date with the latest developments at Strike at UiO - University of Oslo.

No merger

We were very excited about the report on the Possible joint organisation of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Oslo, which was published on 22 May. The working group concluded that, in the current circumstances, it would not be appropriate to go ahead with an organisational process to merge the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Medicine. Based on the report, the University Director will recommend to the University Board on 18 June not to proceed with the matter. We have taken note of this and are continuing to set about many other exciting tasks that are laid out in front of us.

MED must be a good place to work for everyone

We are now actively working on the follow-up to the ARK survey in all the units within our faculty. Our rector reviews the results in his blog. He stresses that the working environment at UiO has developed in a positive way in a number of areas. However, the survey also shows that 1 in 13 employees have experienced some form of unacceptable behaviour in their work environment at UiO during the past six months. This is unacceptable. We must work to prevent such issues from arising, and if they do occur, employees should be confident that they can speak out without fear of retribution and that their case will be properly investigated. 

Inclusive and safe study and work environment for all: Regardless of background or the security situation

It is important that all our students and employees feel safe, respected and included, regardless of their background, nationality, religion, gender, or  sexual orientation, or the general security situation. To ensure employee and student safety, UiO is in regular contact with the authorities, the police and other agencies. If any special precautions are necessary, relevant information will be provided. Please remember that anyone can contact the University’s Security and Alarm Centre, regardless of whether something has happened or whether you feel unsafe at the university; see the website Safety and emergency preparedness at UiO – University of Oslo

Let’s look after each other!

Quite simply, we must look after each other – while at the same time making the most of opportunities to celebrate what is good. I have had the pleasure of attending some wonderful events over the past week. Last Thursday, 23 May, there was a gathering for the Institute of Clinical Medicine on how we can strengthen cooperation concerning the training of doctors. On Friday 24 May, I was able fortunate enough to be able to attend and congratulate graduating master students at the “Graduation ceremony at the International Community Health Program” at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences. See the photos from both events further down.

We have much to be pleased about at the Faculty of Medicine, while at the same time continuing to strive for outstanding knowledge concerning the health of the future – for everyone.

I wish you all a good finishing straight through to the summer holidays and a wonderful summer!

Kind regards, Hanne

Photos from the last couple of weeks

Graduation ceremony at the International Community Health program and Leadership seminar at Klinmed.

By Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Published May 31, 2024 1:13 PM - Last modified May 31, 2024 1:15 PM