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MED-nytt, no 4 – 2023

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo is impressed by the work being undertaken by the MED faculty. Research Dean Jan Bj?lie talks about your opportunities in respect of innovation. Read about our new Sustainable Health Unit (SUSTAINIT), about motivated nutrition students, Anne Spurkland's Women's Health Research Award and much more in this year's fourth edition of MED-nytt.


Dekan Hanne Flinstad HarboEditorial: Our people are making an impression

Time passes quickly when so much is happening. Those of us working in the Dean's office are still getting out and about a lot in order to meet as many people as possible, gain an insight into the diverse activities offered by our faculty and to meet important partners.

For example, it was very pleasant and interesting to attend the 2023 Life Science Conference which aimed to explore the interface between health, technology and society.

Read the full editorial

The management column: 

Innovation in health-related life sciences

Research Dean Jan Bj?lie provides details about innovation in respect of health-related life sciences at MED and points out the opportunities being offered in order to support innovation development.

It is important that all researchers at the Faculty take a look around themselves and allow themselves to be inspired by the best innovators and make use of the large ecosystem of which they are a part. The Greenhouse is our new low-threshold service that can be used by our employees in order to explore the opportunities available for obtaining not only publications and doctoral degrees, but also other research benefits. 

Read the full post by the Research Dean and get inspired

SUSTAINIT well underway

The Faculty of Medicine’s new knowledge cluster, The Sustainable Health Unit (SUSTAINIT), is in full swing with its plans and activities. The Unit was established at the start of the year and has already received NOK 11 million in external support for its operations. They are now seeking input for their strategy. MED-nytt has spoken with the new Head of Unit Director Eivind Engebretsen. Read the full article.

Anthony MathelierAnthony Mathelier will be the new Associate Director at NCMM

Anthony Mathelier will be the new Associate Director at the NCMM, combined with a position as Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Bioinformatics. Mathelier currently leads the Computational Biology & Gene Regulation group at the NCMM and will continue as group leader in addition to his position of Deputy Director. Promoting a positive working environment with a focus on collaboration has long been a priority for Mathelier and this will continue to be an important motivation for his work going forward. Read the full article.

University of Oslo: Four events about the brain 

New interdisciplinary event series in Domus Bibliotheca,hjernen i sentrum
the University's new presentation arena at Universitetsplassen: researchers from different disciplines at the UiO are addressing the brain behind the initiative "The Brain in the Centre" during four events to be held during the spring. Naturally, our Faculty is a strong participant at all of these events. Rune Enger (IMB) will be challenged on 1 March to highlight the latest research on memory and brain capacity. Join us!

  • 1 March: Memory
  • 29 March: The Adolescent brain
  • 19 April: Sleep
  • 1 June: Dementia


Highly motivated students on clinical nutritionklinisk ern?ring

Clinical nutrition receives a high score for student motivation, study effort and perception of the academic environment. "The students find varied forms of assessment positive, something that was particularly noticeable during the pandemic," says Eli Feiring, Vice Dean for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. Read the full article in Norwegian on the programme of study website.

illustrasjonsbilde medisinstudierThe Chief Municipal Medical Officer is responsible for health contingencies and infection control 

"A Master's degree in public health science and epidemiology is perfect for becoming a chief medical officer. We are working directly to improve people's health, and indirectly by developing better health services,” says Kristian Green Krogshus. He is the Chief Medical Officer in Moss. Read the full article in Norwegian on the programme of study website.

MartinMartin is the first medical student at the new UiO Campus South

"With more tutors per student, I'm sure we'll get good follow-up," says medical student Martin Schj?rven Aagaard. In August, he is one of ten students who will be travelling down to the UiO's first external campus, in southern Norway. Read the full article in Norwegian on the programme of study website.

Information for employees


labfotoExpert Hospital: New flu vaccine for better future protection. In a few years, a completely new type of flu vaccine with increased efficacy developed at the OUS and the UiO could be used for seasonal flu or future pandemics.


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Research news

You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.

Anne Spurkland

IMB: Women's Health Research Award to Anne Spurkland in Norwegian by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark.

"Great," says Professor Anne Spurkland. She has been awarded the 2022 Women's Health Research Prize for her research on autoimmune diseases and the immune system.


FibroMedisinbloggen: Can you get significantly better or recover from fibromyalgia? by Anne Marit Mengshoel

Fibromyalgia is a complex disease. What do we know about its causes and symptoms? And is it possible to get well?


Bilde av forskere: Stipendiat Miriam Aarsund Larsen (t.v.), professor Marit Inngjerdingen og postdoktor Yunjie Wu (t.h.) ved Avdeling for farmakologi ved Institutt for klinisk medisinKlinmed: Can the body's own killer torpedoes fight cancer? by Elin Martine Doeland. 

The torpedoes reside in specific cells of the innate immune system. These cells could be the next breakthrough in cancer treatment..


oljeplattformerIMB/ Interns vulnerable to aggressive prostate cancer

Many oil workers work at night. This could make them more vulnerable to getting aggressive prostate cancer than if they had worked during the day.



By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Mar. 16, 2023 12:27 PM - Last modified Aug. 16, 2023 1:47 PM