eLabSync File Uploader

Automatically sync files from a local Windows computer to eLabJournal for easy storing and linking

Files can be automatically uploaded from any folder on a local computer to the user's dashboard and attached to experiments. eLabSync can be utilized to monitor the folder where e.g. data resulting from experiments is stored, or it can be installed on a computer connected to a device that takes overnight measurements, allowing for remote data output logging. eLabSync can be installed from the Software Center.

To ensure proper handling of the red data, please use a dedicated folder solely for this purpose (not Downloads/Nedlastinger). Please be advised that this folder must never contain or host any red data, and that the red data should not be uploaded to eLabJournal.

eLabSync makes it easy to accomplish the following tasks

After the installation of eLabSync, the option to synchronize files with the experiments will become available on the dashboard, and these uploaded files can be used for the following actions in eLabJournal: 

  • Link to an experiment: The file will be moved to a file section of the selected experiment.
  • Move to file storage: The file will be relocated to file storage for attachment to a sample.
  • Remove file: If the uploaded file is not associated with any experiment, it will be permanently deleted. 

What can be uploaed to eLabSync? 

Please be aware that only green and yellow data can be uploaded to eLabSync.



If you have any questions, please contact us via email at datafangst@usit.uio.no.

Published Sep. 15, 2023 10:03 AM - Last modified Nov. 7, 2023 3:19 PM