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Recurring invitations

If you have invited people to respond to a form, you can set the form to send a new invitation with a given interval. This can be used in research where "diary functionality" is desirable; ex. fill out the same form every day.


To set up a form to send out new invitations with a given interval, select "Collect responses"  and "Invitation settings". Here you can specify how many invitations a user should get and the interval invitations will be sent out. It is only possible to set up the number of days that the interval between the sending of recurring invitations. Then choose to invite users / email addresses and send invitations.

Specifications and Tips

  • If a user does not respond, it will still get a new invitation in the defined interval. All invitations will be valid to answer as long as the form is open.
  • If you have invited a number of people and then set up recurring invitations, it will also apply to all previous invitations.
  • New invitations will be sent out at the same time as the first invitation was sent out.
    • Ex. You set up a form to be answered 10 times with new invitation after 7 days and sends first invitation Monday at 12:00. The user will then receive a new invitation 12.00 every Monday for 10 weeks.
  • If you add automatic reminder on a recurring form, you should see that the reminder occurs before new invitation will be sent out. However this is not a technically requirement in Nettskjema.
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Published Mar. 18, 2015 4:05 PM - Last modified Feb. 1, 2021 12:44 PM