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Old forms with personal data

You are not allowed to save personal data longer than necessary. If you do this, old personal data will be removed automatically. This document describes how we mark forms with personal data as old and which data that will be removed.

About personal data in Nettskjema

Nettskjema is a tool for designing and managing data collection, and it is not intended for storing data. General Data Protection Regulation states that personal information must not be stored any longer than is deemed necessary to carry out the purpose of the processing. Personal data is all data that can be connected to a person, e.g. name and e-mail address.

If you collect personal data in Nettskjema and have not received any submissions within that last 12 months, we assume that you do not have a necessary need to keep these data. If you do not remove the personal information from the form we will do it for you.

Automatically removing personal data in Nettskjema

Nettskjema will send out an e-mail to users who have access to edit the form that should be cleaned up before any data are removed.

Which forms will be cleaned up

Old forms with personal data will be selected by the following criteria:

Forms that have no submissions within the last 12 months and include personal data.

We assume forms include personal data if at least one of the following criteria are met:

  • The submission is submitted by a logged in user
    • This does not include forms that have not chosen "Yes" for “Would you like to collect respondent information?”
  • Forms that include one of the Custom Fields: "Full name", "E-mail", "Username", "Person ID" og "Attachment".
  • Forms that have questions we assume include personal data

This include questions that contain minimum one of the following words

"personnu", "personnr", "f?dselsn", "fnr",  "norwegian national id", "social security number", 
"personal nu", "personal id", "studentn", "student nu", "studienu", "student id", "study id", 
"passnr", "passnu", "passport n", "f?dseld", "f?dselsd", "birth da", "birthda", "fornavn", 
"etternavn", "fullt navn", "fornamn", "etternamn", "fullt namn", "first name", "given name", 
"forename", "surname", "last name", "family name", "full name", "legal name", "brukernavn", 
"user name", "username", "privatadr", "privat adr", "private add", "home add"

The following will be cleaned up

When Nettskjema is automatically removing personal data, the following occurs:

  • The link between the submission and the user will be removed
  • The overview of the invitees will be removed
  • The answera in the custom fields will be removed
  • Answer to questions we assume contains personal data will be removed

How to do clean up your forms

Deleting only the answers of the form

  • Log in and select “My forms”
  • Find your form
  • Click on the form title
  • Select “See results”
  • Under the heading "Overview over submissions" click on "See overview over delivered responses".
  • Click on the button “Delete all submissions”

Deleting invitees

  • Select “Collect responses”
  • Select “Proceed to invitations”
  • Select “Delete all invitations”

Forms that deliver data to TSD

No information that has been delivered to TSD will be affected by the removal of personal data.

The following personal information in nettskjema will also (if present) be automatically removed for old TSD forms:

  • Phone number or e-mail addresses for invited respondents (Collect responses/Invitations)
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Published June 19, 2015 2:56 PM - Last modified Jan. 13, 2023 9:16 AM