Norwegian version of this page

Recommended mobile phone models

An updated list of recommended mobile phone models will always be available in the purchase management system of the supplier. UiO has regular meetings with the ATEA to review the recommended range of products.

(last updated June 2021)

All users have access to Atea's e-shop and can check models. Note that price may vary from UiO price.

Recommended iPhone

For iPhone phones, the following recommendation applies, price up to NOK 6,000, ex. VAT. 

Note: From June 23rd 2021 the insurance and support supplement Apple Care Enterprise is not to be purchased for new iPhones.


All Apple equipment purchased at UiO is automatically enrolled in the AirWatch service (mobilt arbeidsrom). Read more about what benefits it has for you as a user (Norwegian).

Recommended Android models

For Android phones, the following recommendation applies, price up to NOK 6,000, - ex. VAT.

It is a requirement that the device does not have an older operating system than version 10. See Atea's e-shop under Specifications and Operating System inside the device.

"not smartphone"

If there is a need for a simple telephone for use as a security telephone, etc., but which is not of the "smartphone" type that requires login, internet, etc., these models may be relevant:

  • CAT B35
  • Nokia 216
  • Nokia 220
  • Nokia 3310

SIM card

Remember to check what kind of SIM card the device needs when ordering. If the SIM card on your current device is different from the new device, remember to order a new one consistent with the new device.

Contact information

If you have any questions about these recommendations, please contact the mobile unit service group:



Published Oct. 8, 2018 10:17 AM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2022 1:05 PM