[SOLVED] ESS storage is currently unavailble

ESS storage is currently unavailble due to a technical problem. There was a firmware-bug in our IBM setup, the bug caused a metadata-server to crash, and a global disk failure. As there was a minor risk of data-loss or data-corruption we had to spend about 9 hours yesterday working together with the international crisis team in IBM. System was up at about 1900 yesterday (23/3-23) and we believe there was no data-loss or corruption. 
We sincerely apologize for this unplanned downtime, but third party bugs in firmware setups is a very unforeseen happening that we could not have easily prevented.
During the downtime we also fixed the MTU settings that IBM had misconfigured and may have been the root cause of previous truble. We also attached more storage, which will soon be put into production. 

Published Mar. 23, 2023 9:14 AM - Last modified Mar. 24, 2023 9:19 AM