Guest types

Available guest types in Guest Registration

Guest researcher

The guest type "Guest researcher" is given to guests that are part of research or teaching at UiO.

Guests of this type get a regular user account at UiO, with access to FEIDE, e-mail, MS365, etc.


The "Emeritus" guest type is given to former scientific employees that want to keep some of their access after the end of their employment at UiO

Guests of this type get a regular user account at UiO, with access to FEIDE, e-mail, MS365, etc.

This guest type can be extended for longer periods at a time than the others.

Eksternal partner

The "External partner" guest type is given to persons that UiO have an active cooperation with if they need access to UiOs systems and services.

Guests of this type get a regular user account at UiO, with access to FEIDE, e-mail, MS365, etc.

External partner are also provisioned to ePhorte, making it possible to give further access inside.

External consultant

The "External consultant" guest type is given to people that UiO have a consultant agreement with, where they need access to UiOs systems and services.

Guests of this type get a regular user account at UiO, with access to FEIDE, e-mail, MS365, etc.

General info about access

User account

All the guest types above lead to automatic creation of a user account (Norwegian) if the person does not have an active user account already. If the guest has had an account at UiO previously, this previous account will be reactivated.

Access card

All guests that have completed their registration and become verified are registered in UiO's access card system, and are given basic access. This means that the guest can receive their own access card, giving them access to main entrances and other common areas in the hours 5-24 on weekdays. To expand this time frame the host or local unit must contact "Vakt- og alarmsentralen".

More information on the pages about access cards (Norwegian).


Guests are included in certation automatic groups. Some memberships are dependent on which type of guest one is. Examples of automatic groups (in norwegian):

  • tilknyttet-STEDKODE - Stedkoden gjeld enheten gjesten er registrert p? i Gjestetjenesten.
  • meta-tilknyttet-STEDKODE - Indirekte medlemskap (gruppe i gruppe)
  • tilknyttet-GJESTETYPE-STEDKODE - For eksempel "tilknyttet-ekstern_partner-151510".
  • meta-tilknyttet-GJESTETYPE-STEDKODE - For eksempel "meta-tilknyttet-emeritus-150000" som inneholder alle som er registrert som emeritus p? MatNat.
  • uio-tilk

End of guest period

When a guest reaches the end date for all their roles, the users account enter the regular account end procedure (norwegian). Contact local IT if the account needs to be locked immediately.

Published Jan. 17, 2023 3:35 PM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2023 3:35 PM