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Types of questions and scoring in the digital examination

The sets of assignments consist of various types of questions: multiple-choice questions where you need to select one or more response alternatives, and open-ended questions where you need to write 1–10 sentences.

During the assignment you may be presented with photos, ECGs, audiograms and/or drawings that you will be asked to assess


Each question can earn a maximum of 6 points. Wrong or missing answers earn zero points. No points are deducted (negative point scores) in case of wrong answers to any of the types of questions.


Multiple-choice questions

Multiple Choice

A question where one correct answer must be selected from several alternatives. A correct answer earns 6 points, a wrong answer zero points.


Multiple Response

A question where more than one response alternative may be correct. The number of correct response alternatives is stated in the assignment text. You may only select the number of alternatives that the question calls for.

Points are earned for each correct answer. Wrong answers earn zero points. You can earn a maximum of 6 points for each question. To earn the top score you need to select all the correct alternatives.


Pull Down

A question where you are asked to make a decision about something by choosing the correct answer from pull-down menus (Yes/No, Correct/False or True/Untrue). In these questions you must give an answer to each individual statement or alternative. If one or more rows of alternatives are left blank, these will be considered unanswered, and the question as a whole as incompletely answered.

You can earn a maximum of 6 points for each question. A correct answer earns points, wrong answers earn zero points. To earn the top score you must give correct answers to all of the alternatives in the question.


In another variant of this question type you are presented with a picture and asked to name anatomical structures or similar seen in the picture. You can earn a maximum of 6 points for each question. A correct answer earns points, wrong answers earn no points. To obtain a top score you must provide correct answers to all alternatives in the question. Remember to answer all the alternatives!


Open-ended questions

These questions require a written answer – commonly ranging from a single word to 10 lines of text.

The expected scope of the response text is normally provided in the question itself. The instructions to examiners define how the question should be scored. Normally, a passable answer earns 3 points and a complete answer earns 6 points. Wrong or missing answers earn zero points.

It is technically possible to write more than what is stated in the question, but the examiner believes that a complete answer to the question can be given within the framework provided.




Published May 18, 2018 10:12 AM - Last modified May 18, 2018 10:18 AM